attacked by a cat due to someone else's neglect pt.2

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about a hour or so later i heard a bunch
of noise comming from my porch i tried to peer out my bedroom window but was unable to see what the commotion was.. so i grabbed
the only weapon i could find MR.PINK (who i hate to say is my 9in vibrator) and place him into my hands like he was a sword.

i flung open my bedroom door instantly thrashing MR.PINK from side to side to prevent a flying feline attack,but the
coast was clear. i slowly creaped into the living room still twirling slowly in circles armed with MR.PINK i proceeded to the
front door. i flung it open to find at least 7-9 cats on my porch all staring and mewoing at this CAT PAWS CAT POST
SCRATCHER.. i instantly thougth of the horror of my previous cat mauling and decided i needed to get that thing away
from the naboirhood cats. so i lunged for it and quicly grabbed it and reentered my house, the cats began scratching at my door
and meowing... once back inside i placed it back on the floor and ran to my room relocking the door and placing MR.PINK on
the nightstand (IN CASE I NEEDED A WEAPON) well within 5 mins. MRS.KITTY was out there making all kind of
noise and thrashing around the living room like a banshee.. so i did the only thing that i could think of....

i instantly called my priest, father micheal mcdonalds from the church ive attended fince infancy and i told him i had a family
member who was possesed and had inflicted body harm on me and was uncontrolable and i despratly needed his help, he said
my child im sure youre family member is having a mental health issue or a drug one. but i will be there first thing in the morning
to comfort u in youre time of need i thanked him and hung up the phone... i sat all night untill i saw the sun peeping threw
the curtains with the sheets pulled over my bent knee's whimpering and cringing threw out the night...

when father micheal arived around 9 am i lunged out of my bed (LEAVING MY WEAPON ON THE NIGHTSTAND OF COURSE)
and ran for the door i let him in instantly feeling this will end now, father micheal entered my home and started removing
some items from his bag and then asked where is youre family member i must examine him ... i immediatly took him to the kichen
and pointed at MRS.KITTY and said please make the power of CHRIST compel whats ever in her to leave... he just looked at
me and gave me that same look the emt and nurse's had earlier in the evening.. and i went into a frantic explanation of all that
happened and he ( to appease me im sure ) said ok dyanna i will bless the cat and the house... and then asked me why i hadnt
just burned the CAT PAWS CAT SCRATCHER POST.. i hadnt thought of this so i said i will do that , and he began chanting
some things at MRS.KITTY so i ran to the living room and grabbed the post and went to the back porch ( in full view of father
micheals) i ran to my garage and brabbed 5 gallons of gasoline and ran back to the porch and douced it i grabbed a lighter
tried to set it aflame it went up in flames and i had the most happy sensation of my life and it quickly went away when
the flames went out and there wasnt a mark on it, i looked back in horror to find father micheals in a fierce battle
with MRS.KITTY he was bobbing and weaving to avoid her blows ... and in a matrix like move she heaved into the air
and licked him in the face... i ran in to help when he saw me he yelled to hell with this packed his stuff and ran out of my
home ....... i started to cry again and went into a rage i ran to the back porch and grabbed the scratcher post and ran to my
car threw it in the trunk and drove to 3 towns over to a local goodwill store and ran in and said i wanna donate this and heaved
it onto the counter, the lady said wow thats the 4th one of those we have gotten this month... i quickly ran out of the store
back to my car and drove to the ups store bought a big cardboard box and some stamps ( alot of them ) and headed back
to the my house ran in grabbed a towel from my bathroom and ran for MRS.KITTY threw the towel on her and threw her
into the box ( as nicely as i could as to not injure her for u peta folks ) grabbed some 200 mph duct tape and quickly sealed
the top of the box i cut a few air holes and ran and then sealed the whole thing up with bubble wrap made up a fake name
in a mailed her to some general name i came up with in the town of okanowa japan....

i must say my life is happy and normal again i will never own pets again and would like to put this ordeal behind me .....

but i was thinking about it the other night and something struck me in my head the goodwill lady said others had
been donating them... this means im not the could this be a class action suit
or should i stick with personal injury ??

i know this was a long story but my legal question i need answered is how many people do u need for a class action law
suit ??? and also how would i go about finding the other victims of cat possesion due to the cat post scratcher...

thank you for youre time and replies in advance and ill be awaiting youre responces ....

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ok i know this was really long so ill clif note it lol .. basicly bought cat scratcher/post it was possesed my cat went nuts attacked me and a priest there for the exorcism, do i have a case against the manfact of the cat item ??
You don't have a case against the manufacturer unless you can prove the cat-scratcher post became possessed due to some negligence or malfeasance by the manufacturer. That might be a tough thing to prove - maybe it got possessed because the wood it was built from came from some Indian burial ground and was already possessed, and how were they to have known; maybe it got possessed because it was banged around with some evil relics in the UPS delivery truck.
ok i know this was really long so ill clif note it lol .. basicly bought cat scratcher/post it was possesed my cat went nuts attacked me and a priest there for the exorcism, do i have a case against the manfact of the cat item ??

You do have a case, of what I'm not sure.
You don't have a case against the manufacturer unless you can prove the cat-scratcher post became possessed due to some negligence or malfeasance by the manufacturer. That might be a tough thing to prove - maybe it got possessed because the wood it was built from came from some Indian burial ground and was already possessed, and how were they to have known; maybe it got possessed because it was banged around with some evil relics in the UPS delivery truck.

thank you for having a sence of humor and :eek: i hadnt even considered the possability of a tree being cut from from a indian burial ground:eek:
I checked out of this one on part 1, right at the point that the scratcher mysteriously made it's way back into the house.

I don't know what's more pathetic, the fact that I waisted 20 minutes of my life that I'll never get back or the fact that you typed that all out.
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