attacked by a cat due to someone else's neglect

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ok i know this is long but
i wanted to give a full detail as to what happened so i could get youre true feelings on what i should do....

ok this is how this story starts first i have a 3 yr old unspaded and un declawed female cat. her name is MRS.KITTY she has always been a afffectionate lovable kitty with my only complaint being that she tries to use my furniture as a claw post, so i spend my days running after her SCREAMING MRS.KITTY NOOOOO, this normally scares her away, well one day about a month ago i decided ive had enough with this so i on the internet to decide what i could do to elevate this issue. i looked into having her declawed and quickly put that thought out of my mind when i realized what it intaled and the exscrutating pain MRS.KITTY might indure. so i came across this website (CATPAWS CAT POST SCRATCHER.COM) and the two tiered cat house with scratching post looked ideal , wouldnt be to awful looking in myliving room and also came lined with catnip (WHICH IVE BEEN TOLD IS LIKE CRACK FOR CATS) so my furniture wouldbe saved and MRS.KITTY could scratch and become a crackhead, a win win situation SO I THOUGHT.......Ok so i bought this thing (payed 39.99) for it and waited patiently for it to be delived, about 5 days later it arrived.i opened it and assembled what little i needed to and ran to find my cat :) i then introduced MRS.KITTY to the CATPAWS CAT POST SCRATCHER. she circled it once maybe twice and hoped on, it was instant love and as i sat on my newly saved couch adoring my kitty playing on her new scratching post i kinda got a uphoric feeling of acomplisment
(yeah my life is boring lol ) and for the next two days MRS.KITTY was like a fish out of water. scratching and playing even sleeping on it, all i could do was smile (I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WE WHERE ABOUT TO ENDURE)....
about 4 days after getting this thing home i walked in the living room and MRS.KITTY was just sitting on the floor nextto the scratcher staring at it, at first i thought nothing of this untill (while watching tv) about a hour later i looked overand realized she hadnt moved, i noted this as wierd, and thought to myself she must be in a fierce battle of who blinks first
looses with the post. but continued on with my day. about a hour later i walked by and again it couldnt be possible SHE HADNT MOVED A INCH, at this point i nudged her with my foot and she fell over still in
a deep trance . she wasnt even on this planet, she didnt acknowledge me or even react to my nudge, just layed therestill staring at the damn scratching i started yelling her name loudly MRS.KITTY (nothing) MRS.KITTY (nothing)on the 3rd time MRS.KITTY she snapped out of it, and gave me the most fierciest hiss and growl and ran off. i thought
to myself wtf is wrong with her, and kinda let it at that
day5... that morning i gotta out of bed and did my normal morning rutine, when i was leaving the house i walked threw the living
room and she was doing it again. at this point i thought ok something is wrong with her , could she be in heat ? whats going on here
but i left for about 3 hours with it lingering in the back of my mind all morning. when i arrived back home she was laying on top
of it and instantly meowed to me as i walked in and i thought phew ok she is back to normal and chalked it up as weird and rubbed
her head and belly and fed her, later that night i noticed she hadnt touched her food or water (which is extremly out of charactor
for her) and instantly went and tracked her down i found her laying on the post licking it and constantly standing up walking a circle on it, then laying down and licking it again, so i picked her up and carried her to the kitchen placed her by the food and she ran off.. i figured she would get hungry later and went to bed...day6... i was suddenly awaken to my cat standing on my chest giving me the evil eye, with the last few days events completly
out of mind. i instantly reached up and said good morning baby and went to rub her head ( any other time she would love this)but not this morning she instantly extended her paw and b*tch slapped me and hard too. as a reflex reaction i leaped up and she walked to the end of my bed and sat there i instantly noticed a warm sensation on my face and threw my hands up, i was bleedingi hurried off the bathroom when i was shoked to find 3 deep claw marks on the left side of my face and blood ozzing from them
( ill admit i was crying at this point) i cleaned myself up and exited the bathroom and walked to MRS.KITTY and said whats wrong with u and she hissed at me so i thought ill just leave her alone and exited the room with my back facing the door as to not turn my back on her. i went to the kitchen about 5 min's later i heard a stange noice comming from my living room
so i went to investigate it was MRS.KITTY at her post making this awful noise ( the one they make when there in heat)standing at the post rubbing her but on the post, at this point( almost mortally wounded mind u ) i had enough i grabbed thecat post and opened the front door and placed it on the front porch. and thought that will go in the rubbish on trash day.well about 30 min later i heard the noise again and went to investigat IT WAS BACK IN MY HOUSE LIKE IT HAD NEVERBEEN MOVED...... i thought to myself no freakin way, how did this happen, so i went to grab it again and MRS.KITTY went
apeshit, she was bobbing and weaving like she was mahhamud ali, she beat me like a red headed step child, paws and feet where flying, i had no defence to this brutal attack other then to assume the fetal position and pray it ended soon. when she was done ( out of pure exhaustion would be my guess) she walked over to my head and did that thing they do with there feet after they bury something, as to say take that and walked off ....... so i laid there and reached for my phone and dialed 911 and requested a ambulance, when the dispatcher asked what had happened i didnt dare tell them the truth (what would they think)i got my behind whipped by a 4lb cat. so told her that i walked in on a burgalar who happened to be holding my ginsu knife,and he scratched and kut the hell out of me. she paused (as to be doubting my story) and advised me that help was on the way
. i quickly had a horrible thought that i didnt want the emt's entering my home WHAT IF SHE ATTACKED THEM NEXT..and i had no home owners insurance at the time, so i crawled and dragged my limp body to the front porch and waited there for them to arrive, while in the ambulance one of the emt's tried to get my story after noting that holy crap it looks like u got
youre ass whipped by a cat while laughing out loud, i almost said OMG YOURE RIGHT PLEASE HELP ME. but thought against it and went with my origanol story of the burgalar he also gave me that raised brow youre kidding right look but jotted it down in his notepad... once at the hospital i got the wounds cleaned up and got a nice pain med shot that at least took the pain
away for about a hour and the dr suitured my wounds ( 46 stitches in all ) then about 3 hours later i was relaxing in the bedand the nurse entered with my discharge papers ... i instanly had a moment of panic ( I CANT LEAVE) she is still there, what am i gonna do... well the nurse informed me that the dr said i cant live at the hospital for stitches they dont have the beds
for this... so i had to go, i called a male friend and had him come get me from the er when he arrived i asked him a huge favorthat when we got to my door, for him to enter first ( i know what your thinking im a horrible person BUT SHE WASNT GONNA GET ME AGAIN ) and run to the living room grab the post and put it outside, i told him he had to run fast cause my cat had peed on it and it was stinking up my house, he was more then happy to help me due to my being attacked by a burgalar.he got it out quickly and we entered my home i walked in slowly and checked behind every inch i walked and he grabbed my shoulder and said dyanna the cops searched it the burgalar is gone.. matter of fact they said they arrested a man down thestreet who matched youre discription.. he swears he is innocent but was carted off to jail kicking and screaming.. i was horrifiedthat a innocent man was in jail due to me, but i couldnt think of that right now i had bigger issue's. i walked into my kitchento find MRS.KITTY laying on my table and she instantly meowed and stood up and my male friend approched her and began petting her head and i yelled DONT. and he said dyanna whats wrong with u its just MRS.KITTY she seemed to be normal againand i couldnt very well tell my friend that she was the one who mauled me.. so i sat down at the table with him patting herand eyes her down she walked over to me and began rubbing up to me and i instantly frooze in horror, my friend said whats wrong with u pet youre cat.... i slowly reached my hand up and began stroking my cat with one finger. this seemed to appease my friends curiosity for the moment as to why i was acting like that, as soon as he changed the subject i instantly jumped up and left the kitchen leaving MRS.KITTY in there.. i quickly used the im tired and need rest excuse to get rid of my friend
he asked if i wanted him to spend the night on the couch so i would feel safe, i almost screamed yes stay, but quickly had a flash of him peacfully sleeping on the couch and MRS.KITTY lunging into him and decided he had to go...after he walked out the door i quickly locked it ( to keep the post from entering my house again ) and rushed off to my room where i locked that door as well and climbed under the covers and cried myself to sleep...

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