Criminal Records, Expungement Attempting to Elude Police

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New Member
I have a question. The reason why I'm asking this is because I afraid this could stop me from getting a quality job.

In the year of Dec 06 I got charged with attemping to elude police and 2 other charges. The court dropped the other two charges and left me with this one. The reason I got into this situation to begin with is because I was having a nevous break down and was off my medication. I drove into oncoming traffic, thank God I didn't hit anyone and also they said I was reckless driving of which they dropped. I want to know since I have never got into any other trouble in my life, could this qualify to be expungement?

Also how badly does this look on my driving record. Could this be a reason I might get turned down for a quality job. It was because of medical reasons. I know I have a responsability behind the wheel and definately not looking for excuses but I would like your opinions.

butterfly4011 in alabama
The charge will show up on a records search any company does for a background check. Google: sealing of records for your state but if you were found guilty there is a certain length of time that must pass (years) before a record may be sealed IF it is allowed in your state at all. Did you do any type of court diversion program?
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