Attorney not filing bankrupcy

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I am trying to file for bankruptcy and have been since November. In short, I found an attorney (2 partners) and after hours of information gathering, they said I easily meet the new qualifications. This was late November. Today, May 26, he still has not filed.

I get excuse after excuse...he must check facts again, his secretary is out and he can't work the computer, the new New Jersey online filing system has them baffled and I'm the first one they have ever processed, they need my pay stub again, etc.

I paid him his money, in full, in January. Then, he said he would only be a week or so. He's very nice, so is the secretary, but I can't help feeling something is up. But what??

Now, I'm up against the six-month window between completing credit counseling and filing, and he says he can "fix it." He says there's a way to do it, so don't worry about the deadline.

I can't possibly imagine why it would be to his benefit not to proactively proceed. Clearly, I'm not being told the truth. And the phone calls still ring off the hook from collection agencies.

Do any of you have any idea why he would be putting me off? Is he setting me up to ask for more money, fees, etc.? Should I ask for a refund (or partial).

Many thanks to those who answer.

It is now nearly a year since I first met with this lawyer. He keeps telling me the e-filing is down...his secretary is out for a week...he needs to check on "something"...he needs to re-file. He'll talk to me nicely but always putting me off. 6 weeks ago his secretary vowed they had filed, but I checked online and they hadn't ! They're "trying" to again.

Why on earth would he not file? Why put me off? And what can I do?
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