Attorney Recommendation

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I have recently received a traffic ticket alleging a few traffic violations in the area of San Antonio, Texas, United States of America. I would like to contest violations for speeding and failing to signal lane change violations.

After viewing this excellent list by thelawprofessor, I have decided that it may be best to hire an atourney, as point "7. Understand the court rules and procedure" may take quite a long time.

I do not have very much time nor money. I wish to choose the best (least costly, both time and money) alternative available to me. I also do not want to see a rise in insurance my premiums. I believe a traffic attourney would be the best alternative.

What are good attournies that deal with traffic cases in the San Antonio, Texas, United States of America area?
If I use the phonebook, how would I determine the quality of attourney?
That is a tough call. It isn't easy to get referrals and we are glad to help if we can. You are talking about a specialty area in San Antonia and SeniorJudge makes a good point - ask around for others who have also had traffic violations and had great success with an attorney who specializes in moving violations. If you go to the court you'll probably see a dozen attorneys trolling around the area for clients who are a little apprehensive of doing it themselves. If you're there for a visit beforehand, get a few names. Call some friends and find out who may have used one of them. Rating an attorney is not like rating your teachers and word of mouth where you can discuss is invaluable. Good luck to you.
Sorry about the long delay for response.

I have not yet found a suitable attorney, but have started searching. Going to a

I have gone to the San Antonio, Texas, United States of America courthouse (municipal) courthouse and found its appearance quite disappointing. It seemed more like a revenue collection agency than courts of law. Upon entry one is directed to see the clerks (which are female) that take name and ticket information and instruct to which "courtroom" to go to. The courtroom consisted of a room with a few counters and some staff. A few of the agents existed behind a counter labeled "Prosecutor" and a judge sectioned off in a corner behind a raised large desk.

The time I had gone to the courthouse, I had not seen anyone that could easily be identified as an attorney. Also, I am not sure if such a system allows for free roaming of the "courthouse".
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Before hiring an attorney (and possibly deciding to forego hiring) I want to know what exactly were the laws I was supposed to have violated.

I have found a website ( ), titled Transportation Code, of the state of Texas and have attempted to search for information pertaining to codes I have allegedly violated. Using the search function, I have tried searching for the code values listed in the violations box of the ticket document but fail to find the related code.

How may I go about determining the language of the laws I allegedly violated?
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