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-felony charges for concentrated cannabis, possession for sales, and trafficking

-pulled over for one of two lights being out on back plate and there was mention of him crossing double yellow line as well

-he was asked if he had weed and said yes

-he gave permission to search his car

-over three pounds of weed in an out of state vehicle with a man claiming to be a transient

-defendant states that he told his attorney the following:

*didn't cross a double yellow

*weed was not packaged for sales or finish trimmed

*plate should've been visible from 50 feet with just the one light operational

*won't take felony charges

*won't do probation

*won't miss son's graduation

*won't go state side

*that he intends to abscond

-he states that his atty has agreed to carry the case all the way to sentencing knowing that he won't show for the sentencing hearing...will atty's do this?

-what about attorney code of conduct?

-defendant is my ex and we had a civil case against us through cps a couple of years ago

-I fought to get the kids back and did

-i'm terrified that he will abscond and return for the graduation in june, which has stated to be his plan

-who do I talk to re the fact that he is stating that his attorney is willfully taking part in his scheme to obtain the best offer possible from the DA by continuing the proceedings up to sentencing, he is then to abscond for no less than one year before contacting the court and getting back on the docket, at which time it is hoped that marijuana laws will have become more lenient and that his issues with the arrest will be too hard to dispute due to the passage of time, thus the final goal being that the charges are significantly reduced or even dismissed?

-if he does abscond and intends to return for my son's graduation am I obligated to inform the law and the school?

-can they take my kids again if they know if had prior knowledge of his intentions?


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