Aunt spent dead sisters charity n paycheck money instead of giving to sisterschildren

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My childrens mother passed away a few months ago and I have learned their aunt has spent almost $8000 of money gained from their mothers passing. Most of this was from work paychecks direct deposited into a shared account their mother had with the childrens aunt( shared account was because of a repossesed car few years prior)There was also a charity fundraiser the aunt had in the kids name to raise money(1700 dollars) for them that has been spent as well. My question is can I press charges against her even though she had a shared account with the childrens mother? Can I press charges for both the paychecks and charity donations.
You can't press charges. You can request the prosecutor to press charges. That is unlikely in this case. They had a joint checking account, you say. If they did, each can do with the funds what they wish.

If it was a joint account, the survivor has the legal rights to everything in that account upon the passing of the other.
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