Authorized User on CC

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I was a authorized user on a friends Credit Card. He offered for me to transfer my high interest to his low interest rate CC, and I did so. I made the payments for a few months, even though he told me not to worry about it, but after a while money got scarce on my end. I quit paying on them, and the Credit Card company is going after him for their money, because as far as they (his cc company) are concerned, I am not liable, but he is taking me to court for failure to pay credit card debt in full. There is no written contract, nor have I given him a promisary note, stating the terms of any agreement. I know that I can still be held liable in court, because he will say that it is my debt, only the (my) Credit card company will not release the account information to him, meaning they (my credit card company) will not tell him who the account owner is, but they stated that they will give this information to the police, if requested. I tried to settle on the debt with him, by asking him to call the (his) CC company and asking them what amount they will settle on, since they closed his account a while back for non payment. He has been unemployed for a while now and is on unemployment, and that's why I think he has not made any payments either. I spoke to a attorney, who suggested I'd use the "Lack of Consideration" defense. Is this possible, and what does this consist of? I subpoenored 5 character witnesses, who all know him, and know that he is financially very irresponsible, and I now know that he was and probably still is obsessed with me, and asked the sherrif in the county to escord me to and from court, because very since he was terminated from his job, he has only been drinking and living off unemployment. I know this does not justify my not paying, but I was unable to pay, and figured that since we had no agreement for me to pay, I was not required to. Any advice is greatly appreciated. My court date is on 6/16/04, and I don't want to make a fool of myself or him, I just want this to be resolved. Also he claims I changed his address, and took out another Credit Card in his name, which is not true, what do I do?
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