Auto body


New Member
I recently was in an accident that caused damage to my car. The insurance company made a check out to me and the body shop. The body shop they made the check out to along with myself was someone that I personally knew. He signed the check over to me so that I could use some of the money for an emergency that had came up. He told me to just make payments to him on what is owed, which I've been doing. He already gave me my car back and I still owe him money which I'm paying on. He never gave me any kind of paperwork that I signed or anything. Everything has been a verbal agreement. Well now he is threatening me to get all his money asap because his business and personal life are suffering. He is threatening to put a lien on my car and repossess it. Can he legally do that seeing that there was no written or signed agreement between the two of us? I have kept all receipts on what has been paid up until now. Thank you for your help.
He could place a mechanics lien on your car.

That might sting, but the lien alone won't result in the shop being legally allowed to repo your car.

However, by taking the insurance proceeds and using them for other purchases you and he could be accused of a crime.

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