Auto dealership sold my loan to another location

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The used car dealership I bought my car from sold my loan to another company without my permission now that I paid my car off I am getting the run around about where my spare key is can I sue for this on going issue I pAid my car off in feb 2014
The used car dealership I bought my car from sold my loan to another company without my permission now that I paid my car off I am getting the run around about where my spare key is can I sue for this on going issue I pAid my car off in feb 2014

It would be quicker, cheaper, and easier to just purchase a replacement key from any dealership that sells your car (or most car repair facilities).

But, YES, you're free to sue anyone you care to sue.
You can sue but why would you bother suing over a spare key? It would be so much easier to just go get a spare key made. It wouldn't cost much at all.
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