Back Child Support advice

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Was recently told by the child support division that they can not process the arrears owed on my child support which total about 18,000 because they only process administrative orders and mine is a court order. Need advice on what I need to do to try and collect.
Was recently told by the child support division that they can not process the arrears owed on my child support which total about 18,000 because they only process administrative orders and mine is a court order. Need advice on what I need to do to try and collect.

You should hire an attorney to do this.
But, you can also try to do it pro se.
You can petition the court that ordered the child support for a hearing to hold the deadbeat in contempt.
The hearing will be granted and you present your case.
Someone was ordered to pay, and they have not paid.
Open and shut case.
If there were no payments (or payments were less than ordered), you win.
Now you have a judgment that can be enforced.
The deadbeat has his wages and assets attached.
You get what can be found in bank accounts, and wages.
His wages are attached until the judgment is satisfied.

Don't ask me the specifics of the process, as it varies from state to state.
That is why you need an attorney for such a large amount owed.
Many attorneys will take a small percentage of the award for doing the work.
Sometimes they might want $500, or so up front to start.
Look around for a local attorney and ask.

You'll eventually get the money flowing.
There are very creative ways they use to get these deadbeats.
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