Back injury on the job - Need advice please

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I work as a nurse in a nursing home. One of my residents fell to the floor. I called for a PT to come help me get her up. With four of us, we did get her up but later that day I noticed my back started to hurt a little. I didn't think anything of it and figured it would go away. My back has gradually gotten worse. Two weeks later went to a Chiropractor then to a MD. Was told by the Chiropractor that I had a vertebrae out. Now today 4 weeks later and several adjustments my back is getting worse and showing symptoms of a herniated disk. (Have another MD appt in AM) My question is, is is too late to fill out an incident report at work and hold them liable for my medical bills?
No, it isn't too late.

But, you should do so ASAP.

This will be considered a workman's compensation matter.

So, you'll have to tell your supervisor what happened and be prepared to write a statement as to what happened and when.

It should include the names of all people present.

I'd stop going to a chiropractor, however.

I'd stay with physicians only on this one.

Some workman's comp claims disallow chiropractors.

This will be approved, but keep copies of everything and do exactly as the state and your employer dictate.

Get well soon!

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Thanks for the response. Just spoke with the DON. She said she doesn't think I can fill one out because they require a drug test when one is filled out and it happened in January. But I did let them know about this injury when I had to take off work and was not asked to fill out a report. Where can I go from here?
sjtrahan said:
Thanks for the response. Just spoke with the DON. She said she doesn't think I can fill one out because they require a drug test when one is filled out and it happened in January. But I did let them know about this injury when I had to take off work and was not asked to fill out a report. Where can I go from here?

Contact the agency in your state that handles such cases and ask them.

She is wrong.

The employer can still ask you to take a drug test, although the state wouldn't require one in a case like this.

Filing one is time delimited, but I think in many states it is up to one year.

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