Back rent issue

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New Member
I live in a low-income apartment complex and when i moved in i was on maternity leave so i didnt have to pay rent. When i returned to work i reported it to our manager at the time and filled out paper work with her. I never recived a notice of change of rent. That manager got fired and now the new manager says i owe back rent for all those months. Am i responible for it even though i reported that i was working and the old manager didnt do her job?
Are you saying that you did not owe rent while on maternity leave, went back to working, never got asked to pay rent and never questioned why this was...and now wondering if they can require you to pay all of this back rent?


Correct i don't owe from when i moved in, just from when i started working. I thought it was weird i didn't have to pay rent but i work so little and did report i was working and also filled paper workout with the manager so i figured that the manager should have done her job and turn the paperwork into corporate and notified me of the rent change.
Well, you've answered your own question then. Since you are now working, you owe rent, including the rent that would normally have started once you began working again.

See if you can work with management to come up with payment plan where you can slowly pay back what you owe in back rent.

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