Parole, Probation background check for probation

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a background check was supposedly ran on me before a request was made by my probation officer for early termination of my probation. i know for a fact that i have a felony warrant on me that was issued before the check was run. the judge ultimately denied the early term request because i haven't yet completed half of my probation. the warrant was never called into question. would'nt the results of the background check be needed before the request for early term was brought before the judge?
but theoretically speaking, the results would be needed before the judge made his decision,right? or does it make since that the results have'nt come back yet...(after 2 weeks)?
since you were not complete with even half of your probation the judge could have just denied you based on that alone. Like mighty said, it doe's not sound like a background check was ran on you because if you have a warrant out for you then i assume you would have been arrested. Contact your attorney and try to str8n that out before they come looking for you. Good luck.
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