"Background Check Required" - Felon Discrimination

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To be honest, it is just another way to split this country right down the middle. I am not sure of the numbers, but conviction rates in this "free" country soar higher than most others. I am a felon, yes. I see first hand what this country does to people like me. I was 22 when my couch was burned at a party. I am not sure who did it ( I was in my bed asleep) but the fire never reached any of the other cusions on the couch. no one was hurt, and when the police came, I was the one they charged... with first degree arson. this all happened in 2005 and myself, as well as my family are still suffering the consequinces. I could go on as to how the system is faulty and runs more like a business in human suffering and such, but that is a moot point, and probably what everyone who has never been in my shoes wants me to say. it is a sick world where a man is not allowed to turn his life around. it is wrong that we create a financial caste system based on what people speculate about a person. I have never in my life had such trouble finding work. I have a family to provide for and cutting lawns and whatever other menial tasks i can dig up just wont cut it. we have lost our rights to people who dont deserve their own. looks to me like the bill of rights is a bill of sale. i served my time and paid my debt, but this nation of overgrown, spoiled brats, wont allow me to even be a janitor. they would rather pay an illegal immigrant who probably ran from murder and rape charges in their country to work around our children than to hire a person who slipped once in their life. it makes me sick to know that the voices of many downtrodden citizens go unheard and forgotten unless only on some low key debate on some obscure legal website. WAKE UP PEOPLE. we traded slavery and social inequality for what? this is madness. this isn't the America I grew up reading about. and for anyone to stand with their arms folded saying," do the crime, do the time." your ignorance suits you. but just like all well organized businesses, the correctional facility cant help but expand. and eventually it will become an everyday chore to open the paper and see another of your loved ones put in jail and branded as government property. i wonder who would be left to discriminate against when everyone is of the same yolk. it is not a way of "weeding out" the bad eggs. it is merely a clever insurance adjustment and a way to save time sifting through applications. even a good bit of construction companies will not hire felons. give people a chance and you might be surprised what they do. FELON does not mean EVIL. It means HUMAN. we all make mistakes. we should not have to starve for them. and it is not a means of " security" to not hire. " Wal-Mart is of no concern to the Dept. of Homeland Security, so you are not saving the world by denying me a job. "Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither." -Benjamin Franklin-
Jacksgal, it seems you have a bias opinion anyway. You are just looking at this in a black and white point of view. The world that train of thought use to work no longer exists. Sorry to break the bad news to you. This is a world rapidly changing where
the federal government and state courts will drop the gabble on just about anyone for any small felony these days. Therefore making the felony population larger by the day. The employment pool for which companies pick from is getting smaller by the day because of this. Take the city of Raleigh, NC..They have stricken the question of "have you ever been convicted of a felony" from their city jobs application. They know there is an untapped pool of good qualified blue collar workers who might work for a little less than someone without a felony, but is just happy to have a good job with benefits. Now there is another problem in this country. Housing. A person with a felony is having an increasingly harder time finding a place to live based upon the fact he has a felony under his or her belt. And, although this is not discrimination, telling someone where they can or can't live based solely upon their background damn well should be. I am a convicted felon and but my charge is 19 years old. I have a great job making good money and credit is pretty good. So you will understand my shock when I tried to get a nice place for me and my wife to live only to be told no we don't allow convicted felons here. I felt like a black man in the 1920s hearing we don't serve your kind here. I work and volunteer for the YMCA on the side and believe in giving back as much as I can. So, jacksgal, you see the world is very much shades of different colors. Welcome.
There was a question from today before my post above - question got moved but not my reply.
Sorry, Betty, you must have been posting at the same time I was moving it. I'll add your reply to the new thread.
Yep, prob. what happened. I went ahead & answered under new thread though before you moved my reply.
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