Bad Check/Warrant

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Hello There,

I have recently received two disturbing phone calls over the pass two weeks. The first one was from a Gentlemen in California in regards to a check that I wrote back in 2006 for a payday loan through MoneyMart. He claims to have video of me in there writing the check...well that much I do know because they have camera's all over the place in there. While trying to talk to him in regards to this matter he told the amount of the check which was 500 and that it was for MoneyMart and nothing else. He said that I will be placed on cheksystems. I already am on there so no bother to me. Then he proceeded to tell me that if I did not resolve this that I would go to the courts for fraudulent and a warrant will be issued for me. As I proceeded with him he started to yell at me and was getting very nasty to me on the phone. So I hung up on him. Then today I received a call from a Officer Jameson at our Cleveland Clerk of courts stating that a warrant has been issued for me and that I need to contact a John Sanders with his number of 267-225-8985 and docket #109468. Id like to consider myself some what literate to the internet so I have started to investigate and when to our clerk of courts docket page tried looking it up but nothing came up under my search. Then I went to the internet to look up this John Sanders number and nothing came up. So I am confused is this a bill collector trying to get money or is there really a warrant for me. If these people are harassing me I need to get them to stop. I just don't want to call them back if that will give them more fuel. Plus it has been almost eight years since this happened. Not sure what SOL is for this type of stuff. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hello There,

I have recently received two disturbing phone calls over the pass two weeks. The first one was from a Gentlemen in California in regards to a check that I wrote back in 2006 for a payday loan through MoneyMart. He claims to have video of me in there writing the check...well that much I do know because they have camera's all over the place in there. While trying to talk to him in regards to this matter he told the amount of the check which was 500 and that it was for MoneyMart and nothing else. He said that I will be placed on cheksystems. I already am on there so no bother to me. Then he proceeded to tell me that if I did not resolve this that I would go to the courts for fraudulent and a warrant will be issued for me. As I proceeded with him he started to yell at me and was getting very nasty to me on the phone. So I hung up on him. Then today I received a call from a Officer Jameson at our Cleveland Clerk of courts stating that a warrant has been issued for me and that I need to contact a John Sanders with his number of 267-225-8985 and docket #109468. Id like to consider myself some what literate to the internet so I have started to investigate and when to our clerk of courts docket page tried looking it up but nothing came up under my search. Then I went to the internet to look up this John Sanders number and nothing came up. So I am confused is this a bill collector trying to get money or is there really a warrant for me. If these people are harassing me I need to get them to stop. I just don't want to call them back if that will give them more fuel. Plus it has been almost eight years since this happened. Not sure what SOL is for this type of stuff. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Don't confuse debt collection with criminal charges.
However, the SOL for writing a bad check in CA is not clearly stated. It appears the legislature intended to make this ACT more of a civil demand for recompense, rather than a criminal offense unless FRAUD were proven.

Anyway, after almost 7 or 8 years, its safe to assume that Cali isn't concerned about this incident.
Google the name of the alleged debt collector, and you'll likely see its some idiot scammer in a filthy call center of some third world crime infested, toilet of a nation.
That said, I'd cut off all communication with this scammer, change your telephone number of you have to do so, and don't give it out except to trusted associates (keep reusing the one the scammer has compromised).

One more good thing, the police don't concern themselves with debt collection.
They do assist in serving judgments, but this scammer has no intention of working to sue you, he just uses his filthy tongue to scare your money out of your pockets into his.

Besides, Cali is broke, and they have real criminals to catch, not paper and confetti tossers.

Unless, you become an utterer and publisher and begin to commit fraud.

I don't see that here.

Read this: documents/SUMMARY OF COLLECTION LAWS.pdf
This is the original contact Koz Khosravani, 866-388-7635...The check I wrote for was for a MoneyMart in 2006 he was very rude and would not give anymore details other then that I am going to jail and that they are going to issue a warrant for me and charge me with fraud. but when i try to locate case on our court sites ...there is nothing coming up for me.
This is the original contact Koz Khosravani, 866-388-7635...The check I wrote for was for a MoneyMart in 2006 he was very rude and would not give anymore details other then that I am going to jail and that they are going to issue a warrant for me and charge me with fraud. but when i try to locate case on our court sites ...there is nothing coming up for me.

Google the name and number.

That's the old Indian or Pakistani fraud ring, I bet.

By the way, don't EVER admit to anything.

No comment comes to mind, or under the advice of counsel, I must decline to discuss this or anything with you. Good day!

Don't spend 30 seconds verbally dancing with these devils.

If anyone had a debt that old, it's dead.

These crooks buy the paper for 3 or 4 cents on the dollar, or STEAL IT, and try to get the FULL amount if people they bully or scare.

Here's the best part, they're in India or Pakistan. They can't sue you. LOL

They simply use the name (or he sells the use of his name for a fee) to the scammers.

Read that stuff I gave you above.
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