bad checks

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New Member
8 months ago I leased a over the road truck and trailer to a person that I thought was a friend. We signed a handwritten contract that the truck, and trailer would be leased for three months with the stipulation that financing had to be obtained at the end of the three months to purchase the equipment. The contract was signed and notarized. To date the truck has never been purchased. The same person is using my DOT operating authority with the stipulation that I am to be paid 5% of every load hauled. $2000.00 of bad checks have been written on accounts that are in my name for repairs done on the truck. I was never notified until 2 weeks ago that these accounts were used or delinquent. i have never been paid the 5% owed on loads hauled. The total on those loads is now at $4,200.00. Twice I have had to cover the insurance on the truck and trailer to be legal. Do I have a recourse to try and get the money owed to me. Truck payment is being made to me, but that is all. Can I pick up the truck and trailer because of the bad checks, and no money being paid on loads hauled?
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