Bad situation/multiple states

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Hi all! (((waves)))

This is quite a mess so I'll do my best posting all the pertinent info. First, I'll describe the situation, then I'll describe the details of said situation. I hope this is in the right forum. :o

I live in Texas. My 15 y/o son lives in Illinois. My ex-wife has pretty much lost her marbles and left my son with her mother. So she has relocated to a different part of the state, maybe 3 or 4 hours away. Her mom is calling me asking me for money because the kid has expenses(obviously). I already pay my ex a monthly check(court ordered from many years ago) and I feel bad for my ex mother in-law, but I'm not about to pay child support to two different people.

In case you are wondering why we are in different states...I was in the military when I filed for divorce many moons ago. And when I got out of the military, I stayed in Texas.

Here are some of the details of this off the wall case:

1.) This summer I found out that the long time significant other of my ex had molested my son 7 years ago.

2.) I immediately reported this to DCFS/CPS and two seperate police departments.

3.) My ex tried everything she could to prevent me from reporting this loser pedophile guy. I even had this joker's family calling me trying to talk me out of it.:mad:

4.) DCFS recently came to the determination that the allegations made against this man were true, and that he had indeed molested my son.

5.) My ex apparently told those around her that she didnt' believe DCFS, and she thinks my son tricked the investigators.

6.) My ex left my son with her mom about 1 month agao to reunite with the pedophile guy.

7.) I have been told that she now has a serious drug additiction(crack) and this would explain her screwed up behaviour.

8.) Because the pedophile commited the crime in Texas and he is now located in Illinois, the legal process seems to have come to a halt, and he gets to walk the street freely.

I know the standard response is to hire a attorney. And of course I'll at least talk to one and hear what he/she has to say, but the kid doesn't even actually want to relocate to Texas. He wants to remain in Illinois cause that's where friends, family and school are at. Doesn't make a whole lotta sense to go 30 or 40k in debt on attorney fees when he doesn't even want to be here. Maybe if he were 5 and not 15 I would go that route, but not now. If he wants to remain with grandma that's fine, but I'd like to pay her since she is the one caring for him. Before my ex lost her mind and left town recently, i had talked to DCFS about this and they told me to continue paying my ex...and that if my ex mother in law wanted money, she needed to take that up with my ex.

We live in a bizzare world, imo. When i got divorced my attorney told me that the system works for the woman and will always work for the woman...fair or not. But this is ridiculous.

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So, have grandma file for custody based on the DCFS report and mom's absence, if she's willing. Offer to pay her attorney's fees.
Follow the existing court order. Continue paying the female crack-head-whack-job. To do otherwise, you risk being held in contempt.

Things may not be as you believe. Your ex and her mother may be working together to screw or con you.

If you don't desire custody and are content with allowing the 15 year old to have a say, keep forking it over to his mother.

If the grandmother desires custody, she will have to make her move. I wouldn't fund either of those crazies. Bottom line, if grams wants money, she needs to speak with that crackhead she calls a daughter.
Thanks to both of you.

I do think it's a possibility that they are working together to try and con me.

Just in case I do decide to take legal action, anybody know how the jurisdictions work in these cases?

Divorced here in Texas, but they all reside in Illinois(not Tennessee like the song, lol)
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