Bait & Switch

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New Member
I signed a 12 month lease for a rental home starting on 8/1/09 (I'm a new resident of Ohio). The LL did let me know that his Mom was to buy the rental property in the future, but that the lease & security deposit would stay the same & still be in force (he emphasized this to me more than once).

He contacted me last week & said that the rental home was 'officially' sold to his Mom. His Mom (the new owner/LL) has a new lease that stipulates much more expense & responsibilities than the old lease & she said she would not honor her son's lease. There's no phone# or address to mail this month's rent to on the long, wordy lease.:(

Because of the very short amount of time that passed I believe that I was deceived from the start.

I called Attorney General who referred me to other 'agencies'. Thanks for any replies.
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Legally mom has to honor the old lease unless you were to agree to the new one.

She told me that she must honor the old lease when she came over (without calling first). I started to read the long, circle talk new lease & said that I would rather go with the old lease (much less jargon, etc..). She then said that she wouldn't honor the original lease. I guess she expected me to 'blow a gasket' so she can kick me out & keep my security deposit.

I still don't know her phone# & address to mail the rent but I'll let several days go before I go 'digging'.

Well got to get back to reading statutes. Thanks alot for your infor.
Update: The new LL (Mom-Property Management) agreed to let the lease continue. I'm a little on the defensive so I want to add a 'rider' or 'addendum' to the original MOVE IN CHECKLIST (she agreed).

Am I putting the original lease in jeopardy (void) by adding to it?

Thanks for any replies; my wife & I just moved to this state so we don't want to uproot @ this time.
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