Bankruptcy concern

Julian 1978

New Member
Hi ,just find out i have a law suit against me, i.m planning to file bankruptcy if this will turn against me...but few months earlier i just raised some of my credit card limit and when i did that i lie to the bank saying that my income its way higher than i really have it,they raised it some to 10 to 15 grand on few of them....but my purchases are little bellow 5 grand on each
Well, i did some large purchases in a couple of months wich is around 25 grand,honestly not planning to file bankruptcy so now what i need to know ,if i will tried to pay around 15 grand on my debt and leaving about 10-12 grand before filling for bankruptcy will be a big problem?
Kindly apreciate your advise...thank u!!!
Hi ,just find out i have a law suit against me, i.m planning to file bankruptcy if this will turn against me...but few months earlier i just raised some of my credit card limit and when i did that i lie to the bank saying that my income its way higher than i really have it,they raised it some to 10 to 15 grand on few of them....but my purchases are little bellow 5 grand on each
Well, i did some large purchases in a couple of months wich is around 25 grand,honestly not planning to file bankruptcy so now what i need to know ,if i will tried to pay around 15 grand on my debt and leaving about 10-12 grand before filling for bankruptcy will be a big problem?
Kindly apreciate your advise...thank u!!!

Unless you TALK AND BLAB like you did here no one will know, care, or bother trying to find out.

If I think "I am God Almighty" but I don't open my BIG MOUTH, no one will know I'm crazy.

If I open my big mouth and scream, "Bow down to me, I'm God Almighty!"

People will laugh at me, and probably call me crazy.

Only YOU know if you lied, because right now, no one cares.

Stop talking, stop revealing every detail, unpure thought, and action of about your life.

No one knows, no one will ever know, unless you blab.

Once you start blabbing, they'll start investigating you.

Once more, STOP talking, don't admit to anything.

You have the RIGHT to remain silent.
It's entirely possible that an astute creditor could investigate your bankruptcy, determine that you made fraudulent statements to induce a higher credit limit, ran up big bills, and think you did it intentionally in anticipation of bankruptcy. Then the creditor could petition the court to deny you the discharge of that debt or drive you into Chapter 13 where you pay all or part of your debts over a period or 3 to 5 years.

Or, that might not happen.

No way to predict.

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