Bankruptcy reaffirm on our house

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Ok in 2010 we filed bankruptcy , we wanted to reaffirm the house and van, Well in three years we wanted to refinance our house, then we found out the house was not reaffirmed. We are still paying on the house, but when they do a credit report it shows 0 balances. The house is still in our name at court house. we cant get another house loan because we are stuck here with wells fargo. but if we leave we wont have to pay on the house because it was in the bankruptcy. but it shows up forclosure, plus we have to wait 4-7 yrs to get a loan for a new house. is there any advice how we can get out of this house or to get reaffirm on the house.
Ok in 2010 we filed bankruptcy , we wanted to reaffirm the house and van, Well in three years we wanted to refinance our house, then we found out the house was not reaffirmed. We are still paying on the house, but when they do a credit report it shows 0 balances. The house is still in our name at court house. we cant get another house loan because we are stuck here with wells fargo. but if we leave we wont have to pay on the house because it was in the bankruptcy. but it shows up forclosure, plus we have to wait 4-7 yrs to get a loan for a new house. is there any advice how we can get out of this house or to get reaffirm on the house.

A reaffirmation works two ways.
I can't explain your situation, but your former bankruptcy attorney can.
So, contact him or her and ask.
You don't want to share too many personal details on this or any other public website.
So far, you're doing well at that, so be careful.

In any matter previously handled by an attorney, its always best to contact that attorney.

Barring that, I'd contact another attorney (in our county or nearby) and ask him or her.
The initial consultation is normally provided without cost.

Its just my personal opinion, but the fewer loans you obtain, the better off you are (myself included).

Good luck.
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