Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Being accused

Nickea collier

New Member
About 4 months ago I was contacted by a detective that said he needed to talk to me.... so I agreed to meet with him yeap bad idea.... however he started asking me questions about two of exes that are best friends...... he told me that someone used someone's information to obtain electricity..... he said when y'all moved in who had the responsibility of turning on lights i told him the persons who's apartment it was...... my ex got the apartment signed the lease I moved out roughly two weeks after my ex got the apartment because it became abusive..... found my self dating the best friend because I had moved on and got my own apt the best friend some kind of way has used the same information and electricity is obtained at his address as well needless to say they blamed me for doing it oh and this happened four years ago he said the person who created the account used my email information to do witch puzzles me...... the detective said I'm the common factor..... month later he showed up at my job stating that he needs to witness me sign papers so he can move on to bigger and better things.... he asked if he could meet me somewhere... I said no he keeps calling and harassing my boss telling them not to tell me that's he's calling or coming by... however I did obtain counsel and he has made calls to inform them but there disregarding him..... and continuing to harass my bosses and me... today he told me that I can't hide for ever
If you have a question (and you have not asked one here) then you need to speak to your attorney.

If you came here just to rant and vent, then please do it somewhere else.
Agree... If you have already obtained counsel any questions you have should be directed there.
Don't be intimidated by police. There are very few things they can do against your will and you are always within your rights to say no.
Stop talking.

You have the right to remain silent
Anything you say CAN and WILL be used against you in a court of law.

Stop talking.
Don't explain.
You've already told far too much.

Talking to a cop is never in your best interests.

You can't unring the bell, but you can STOP ringing the bell!!!

omg thanks for ur positivity

MC Hammer said it, I'll paraphrase, "They can't touch you!"

That is why he's pursuing you like a child molesting pedophile pursues five year old boys!!!

If he had the goods on you, he'd already have a warrant, or the DA would have indicted you via the grand jury.

Be careful, you'll probably be set up.

Watch your back.

Frankly, if this occurred four years ago, I suspect the SOL is thwarting their feeble attempts.

Just remember, never, ever, under any circumstances talk to the police.
MC Hammer said it, I'll paraphrase, "They can't touch you!"

That is why he's pursuing you like a child molesting pedophile pursues five year old boys!!!

If he had the goods on you, he'd already have a warrant, or the DA would have indicted you via the grand jury.

Be careful, you'll probably be set up.

Watch your back.

Frankly, if this occurred four years ago, I suspect the SOL is thwarting their feeble attempts.

Just remember, never, ever, under any circumstances talk to the police.
I'm sorry what's sol and thank you
Stop talking.

You have the right to remain silent
Anything you say CAN and WILL be used against you in a court of law.

Stop talking.
Don't explain.
You've already told far too much.

Talking to a cop is never in your best interests.

You can't unring the bell, but you can STOP ringing the bell!!!

This was very informative
I'm sorry what's sol and thank you

Statute of limitations, the time the state has to bring a criminal case against someone.

Is the "cop" a real police officer, or some security guard trying to scare you?

What police agency or sheriff's department does the so called law enforcement officer claim to represent?
Statute of limitations, the time the state has to bring a criminal case against someone.

Is the "cop" a real police officer, or some security guard trying to scare you?

What police agency or sheriff's department does the so called law enforcement officer claim to represent?
Mickinny police department at first it was a man now it's a woman they have called and lied and Said that I don't have any councel they told my boss that she's harvesting a fugitive and she's gonna serve them with a search warrant this is gettin ridiculous I'm sorry
Mickinny police department at first it was a man now it's a woman they have called and lied and Said that I don't have any councel they told my boss that she's harvesting a fugitive and she's gonna serve them with a search warrant this is gettin ridiculous I'm sorry

Hang tough, remain silent, no matter what the cops say or do.

If they had you, they'd have already arrested you.

Don't get antsy, stay cool, say nothing.

This is what they do, wear you down, make you fear your own shadow.

Go on living your life, if the cops do approach, simply say, "I invoke. I want a lawyer, and I will use my right to remain silent."

Tricks, plys, cons, scares will be deployed, stand firm and keep your mouth shut.

If you are arrested, don't resist, don't comment on the case, or the people in the case.

When you're booked, if it gets that far, cooperate with name, age, date of birth, address, etc...
Hang tough, remain silent, no matter what the cops say or do.

If they had you, they'd have already arrested you.

Don't get antsy, stay cool, say nothing.

This is what they do, wear you down, make you fear your own shadow.

Go on living your life, if the cops do approach, simply say, "I invoke. I want a lawyer, and I will use my right to remain silent."

Tricks, plys, cons, scares will be deployed, stand firm and keep your mouth shut.

If you are arrested, don't resist, don't comment on the case, or the people in the case.

When you're booked, if it gets that far, cooperate with name, age, date of birth, address, etc...
Thanks I really appreciate u just scary when I have no clue
Thanks I really appreciate u just scary when I have no clue

That's what they do, buddy, try to scare people into bowing to their will.

There are many guilty people in jails and prisons.
Sadly, there are innocent people in there, too.
They were bullied or tricked into confessing to things they didn't do.

Thank God, people do get their day in court, if they hang tough.

If they're smart, they can also avoid court.

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