Being bullied by lawyer

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New Member
I posted a thread previously about an attorney patient that was seen in the office where I'm currently employed. I don't know how to add to it so I'm writing a new thread.
1) I'm employed in the med office where a patient who is also an attorney was treated. He filed chargebacks after the procedure was done and has a balance for basic services that was forwarded to the collection agency.
2) In the office I'm responsible for the collections and billing. After the patient was sent to collection, I received numerous phone calls from him as well as voice messages on the office machine stating that he:
*would sue me personally
*wanted the exact spelling of my first and last name to file a lawsuit against me
*used deragatory language
Frankly I lost some sleep over it. I can't afford a lawyer. I didn't do anything wrong and was just doing my job. Can he really sue me?
Please let me know how to stop this bullying. Thank you
Stacy - I am very familiar with your story. Well, the answer is - he cannot sue you. It is the business he has to go after if he is so upset about the collection. When he calls your business next time, tell him that you will have the company's attorney deal directly with him. Make sure you communicate the background and the case to your company's legal representative. Ignore any other threats. Collectors are not very popular people so he is just using scare tactics to intimidate you and make you stop the collection calls.
Presutin is correct - frankly, he hasn't got a leg to stand on, and he's just trying to intimidate you. Don't respond to his calls. It's gone to collections, it's out of your hands. If he wants to start a suit against you, he can do his own research.

If he persists, you might consider reporting him to the law society. He's giving lawyers a bad name. I suspect he's not in breach of any rules, but a little investigation never hurt anyone.
To my knowledge, once it was turned over to a collection agency, your office released any claim to it. He cannot sue you, nor does he have to pay the collection agency.
Just as an FYI to forum members, please check under this particular poster all the issues that have been brought by her before this forum. There seems to be a lot of history going on with this poster which raises tons of red flags regarding the validity of her issues...
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