Being charged for services not requested - harassment

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Last fall I requested leaf removal from a person, who owns a lawn business, whom I knew through a mutual friend. He agreed to do the service. There was no estimate prior to the service. Without my consent or agreement, he ended up completing services which far exceeded leaf removal (ie: trees were trimmed, shrubs all trimmed). He did not leave a bill. I emailed him requesting a bill, more than once. I ended up having a falling out with this mutual friend - actually had to involve police as this friend was harassing me on facebook, via text and via email. This friend was also telling people that I had not paid for this lawn service - for which I still had not rec'd a bill, despite the fact that it was serveral months later. I texted the person that performed the service, again asked for a bill. He texted me back, stated that the charge was for $560 but he would "only charge me $500." He said that I should write the check to him, and not his business. I have told him that I would pay for the servce requested and that I would like a copy of an actual bill indicating the cost for the services he is charging. I STILL have rec'd no actual bill.
This mutual "friend," is now emailing people whom we both know, informing that this person is going to take me to small claims court. I did send him $150 check and wrote in the note section that it was for leaf removal and to please send me an invoice.

What are my rights? I feel like this is harassment from her. On his end, I feel like I have the right to a documented bill and a right not to have to pay for services which I did not request.
You don't have to pay anything additional until/unless a judgment is won against you in small claims court.

They really shouldn't have done more than you requested but it is always best to get written paper work up front on what is to be done & cost.
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