Being harassed at work

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I am hoping that with me writing this letter that my friends and I at work will be able to get some help. Most of us have been forced to quit or have been fired for speaking up about things that have been going on.

1. Sexual harassment at work and management tells us to deal with it or there is the door. I and others have been grabbed on the butt breasts and vagina the cooks tell us in Spanish to suck their ….. And they want their … in our vaginas or butts.

2. Being told that we have to learn how to speak Spanish if we want to understand our co workers that are Mexican and they can speak English well but refuse to speak it around those of us who are not Spanish speaking, and I am referring to the co workers who we all know can speak English because they are severs

3. Favoritism- what I mean by that is that some of us are not allowed to color our hair red or burgundy because it states in the hand book it has to be natural looking but the manager lets the ones she likes to color their hair pink and jet black. Also I was told that I had to grow my hair out that I could not keep it short because the manager thought I looked fat with short hair the manager lets the ones that she likes to go home with out doing their side work ad makes the ones that she does not like pick up their slack. Also allows those who she likes to get of early even if they are schedule to four. Example I was to be off at 2pm but she allowed another girl to get off and she was suppose to be there till 4 and she forced me to stay and I told her that I had a doctors appoint and if I did not make it I would have a 30 fee to pay for missing the appointment with out a 24 hour notice :mad:

4. Racism; management allows jokes about Jews and black people to be told even though we have told her we do not like them.:confused:

5 most of us were not given employee handbooks but she made us sign a paper stating that we got them:blush

There is much more and if you want more just let me know but I have to be brief with this it will only let me put 1000 words. There is about five or six of us that would like to do a law suit. I
have a huge letter that is typed up of what I have been through and the other girls can tell you what they have been through and it is in great detail.

If you can help or know of a lawyer that is willing to take this case on a contingency fee please call me at or email me at


Amanda Ansorge
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Is there an HR department? Has this been reported to them?

If there is no HR OR if there is but reports to them have done no good, your first step is to file a complaint with the EEOC.

If there is an HR and you have not yet made them aware of what is going on, do so.

I STRONGLY urge you to remove your e-mail and phone number from your post. There are a lot of nuts out there.
I want to thank you for replying to my post, and yes there is a HR department and we have gone them them. They sent out a woman named Karen who seems to feel that the best wy of deling with these problems is firing those who have the complaints. I and several others have been fired or forced to quit because we were the ones that made complaints to management and to HR.

And thank you for your suggestion on my email and all that. But i have no clue on who to edit my post.
and yes we have filed a complaint with the
EEOC and we have not herd anything back and problably wont for a few weeks. I beleive that they have to investigate with all parties before making a decision or even going to take this to arbutration or what ever it is called. WE really want to mke sure that nothing like this happens again and that for those of us who have lost our jobs because of what was going on we will get them back since we did nothing wrong but stnd up for ourselves. this is really a hard time to be out of work
Have you contacted an attorney? Is this problem between the waitress and the cooks? What state?
it is in Las Vegas Nevada.. We want to contact a lawyer but we were told that we would have to cantact EEOC and go through them to get a right to sue letter from them first.
it is in Las Vegas Nevada.. We want to contact a lawyer but we were told that we would have to contact EEOC and go through them to get a right to sue letter from them first.
Who told you that? You can contact an attorney any where along the process. Also is this a dispute between the waitresses and the cooks?

The situation sounds ripe for a strike.
yeah well it is also with management because she refused to do anything and told us to deal with it there is the door. And after talking with the other severs and a hostess and a busser there is so much.. ne server was told she was too old to work over 15 hours a week, a busser was was told by the cooks not to be friends with the non mexicans or they would tell her father that she hads be friended the white people. The mexicans would say that white people are lazy and that they should not have to speak english because nevada was orginally mexico. one hostess was accused of selling drugs and when she said that she was not the one selling Sal the district manager threaten to fire her if she would not give hima name of who was selling and buying the drugs, and much much more.
And i called a lawyer out here in vegas and their paralegal told me that we had to file with the EEOC and the EEOC would appoint us a lawyer, but most of us want to get the ball rolling a lot quicker
Well if you want to get the ball rolling quick I would recommend striking. Talk to all the female employees especially the waitress as soon as a male employee grabs something they should not or what ever, the aprons come off and ever one head for the door and strike. Do not return to work until it is agreed that the shenanigans stop, throw in some other demands with it as well such as returning the fired workers to work with back pay.

A strike gets the employers attention immediately without waiting for the EEOC or any that.

The paralegal is correct in that you have to file with the EEOC before you file and action in U.S court, but attorneys can take the case prior to that to ensure the EEOC compliant is crafted properly listing all the effected employees.

However a strike is an immediate action, that is protected under federal law.
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well all of us who filed with HR about the sexual harrasment have been fired so striking will not make a difference, and plus the ones that are still there are afraid of losing there jobs like we hafe from the manager retaitating aginst us. and with the economy this bad they would not care if everyone walked out cuz they could restaff that quickly with all those applications they have on file.. if anyone has a name of a good lawyer out here in vegas we would appericate it.
So your unemployed and the rest of the effected workers are as well? Have they filed for Unemployment? I am sure that restaurant wants you all believe they can fill those positions in an hour but that is not likely.

For attorneys click here use the Find a Lawyer feature. These attorneys deal exclusively with employment law. I am showing 5 for Las Vegas.

NELA is the country's largest professional organization that is exclusively comprised of lawyers who represent individual employees in cases involving employment discrimination and other employment-related matters.
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thank you for that information and I have emailed and faxed a letter to those lawyers and now the others and I will have to sit back and wait for someone to get back to us. We have also been recieiving threatening text messages from the manager and her little pose saying that if try to sue or cause any prolems that she wil contact CPS stating that those of us who are parents are unfit to have our children with us, also she said that we can not recieve our checks that she will mail them out to us at her convience
You can get in a lot of trouble making a false report to CPS.
Privately owned restaurants in most cases is a commercial expression of the owners ego. So there is no room for a second voice. An employee is looked at as simply someone there to do a job. His ideas are not of interest,his suggestions not welcome,his personal aspirations of no importance,and his well being relevant only insofar as it effects his work. Clearly privately owned restaurant's have a lot to learn about Management/Employee relations.
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