Being singled out in the work place

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I'm trying to see if I have a case against my job regarding discrimanation from my manager. I was accused of taking money from another persons register im in retail by the way. I was called in by my district manager in regards to this situation. He showed me on the camera that looked like I had taken it. The reason being was I was helping a fellow employee count down her register. With me being assistant manager, and this being done so many times before with not only myself, but with the manager, and cashiers themselves it wasnt a big deal or so I thought.I became very emotional shaking telling my district manager that I didnt take the money, and why would I throw two years away and not being able to take care of my family for $50. I asked if he could look at the camera more because of me being directly under the camera, one person behind me, another next to me, and another across from me on another register. That it was impossible that I wouldnt do that. He looked at the times then which showed on the camera that at a certain time that this happened that I was taking care of customers and suppossedly safe dropping this money which in this you cant do two things at once on the register. He than turned around and said remeber I never called you a theif and then asked if the time on register is off i said yes by a few minutes he said well there has been a camera glich that it was about a three to four minute hicupp as he said so there was no proof, that he hoped that I didnt take it. He than told me that I would be written up for running on someonelses register, and that also for having some showing up on time for work issues. I then told him that why am i being written up for the showing up on time that yes i take full responsibilty for it but the manager her self was late every single day and that with me being switched from one shift to another that it was hard to get used to that I know its no excuse but i dont see why im the only one . He than told me that shes salary. I have not recieved my writeups yet, but I went into work the other day were i saw my file sitting out for everyone to look at well I looked at it and noticed that I was going to written up for other issues like my uniform being untucked when the boss herself along with other employees dont have their shirts tucked in . Also being on the phone for hour and a half while working on third and the person I was talking to was my district manager who was asking questions about the new guy that I was training. also with being late I looked at the punch in times and everyday along with others my manager is late. Im also being written up for the register insident saying that I told my manager that I never helped the other employee with closing her register which was not true I did tell her that I helped her and with the fact that others including the manager herself have helped close other registers, and have ran off others registers when on numerous time people have come up short and nothings been done with them. So I guess what Imsaying is this is an ongoing matter with my manager and I've gone to the district manager on numerous times with not only this issues but others as well sn dI feel that Im being pushed out. this manager has lost alot of customers and employees since shes taken over as manager we've had so many complaints regarding her . This is the last straw i dont know what else to do I like my job and I dont want to leave let alone have to start over again so can you help me to let me know if I have a leg to stand on or not.
alrighty then, when a person is being written up for the same things that others do and their not being written up thats not being singled out is what your trying to tell me well thank you anyways . I guess Ill just have to deal with it.
No, she's not saying that you're not being "singled out". She is correcting your mistaken belief that "singling you out" is illegal.

It's not.

Unless you are being singled out BECAUSE OF your race, religion, national origin etc., it is not illegal to "single you out".
thank you for your info . Im going to stand firm, not sign the discipline forms, and hope for the best. Maybe others " corporate " will see whats really going on, and put a stop to it .
Not signing the form could be considered insubordination; it doesn't mean you agree with it.

However, if this is the hill you want to die on in this job market, feel free.
I do not recommend not signing the discipline form. As Patty says, signing it does not mean that you agree with the contents; it means you have been advised of management's view on the matter. Refusal to sign could be used as grounds to terminate you; it would be a legal termination; it is not a guarantee that you would qualify for unemployment.

Be it on your own head.
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