being sued by a ex co-worker

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I am being sued by an ex co-worker(he is also suing the company I work for and another employee) The company tells me I need my own lawyer-a conflict of interests? Is that true? This past worker went on a rampage many times and the company knew about it and did nothing for a long period of time.Why cant the company lawyer handle all the suits? Dont they have insurance for that?
Thank you
What state are you in?
Why are you being sued?
Does the alleged tort fall outside of your normal duties as an employee?
You didn't provide enough information for anyone to give their opinion in the matter.
More than likely, if the company is telling you to retain counsel, you need to.
Michigan. I am being sued for racial remarks,co-worker for sexual harassment and the company for not doing anything about the situation..the man suing us had sued the company before for unemployment using the same complaints against us (we were witnesses for the company's suit)and he lost his case.He has been fired from 2 previous jobs for rants with all of his co workers.I am not a racist and my co-worker is not gay. His allegations are totally false and the company knew this for many months before they finally fired him.I don't know what to do from here. I thank you so very much for your advice!!!
The company is not obligated to provide you with a lawyer. It would, indeed, be much better for you to have your own lawyer; it's not wise for the same lawyer to represent two different clients in the same case.
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