Consumer Law, Warranties being sued by home inspector

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The people who purchased our home sued us and the home inspector saying that we misrepresented our home on a disclosure statement and more. To make a long story short, we settled; admitted no wrong doing. (We did this because the settlement cost would ultimately cost less than continuing with our attorney.) The home inspector was representing himself, and prolonging the litigation as well as our hourly payments to our attorney.
Now, the home inspector wants to sue us. My question,,, Does a home inspector who came to our home to inspect the house hired by someone else have any recourse to sue us? Thanks
Q: Does a home inspector who came to our home to inspect the house hired by someone else have any recourse to sue us?

A: What does the home inspector say you did to him? Of course anyone can sue anybody for anything at any time for any reason, but in order to answer your question, we will have to get some facts and details.
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