I recently adopted two kittens. I originally wanted to adopt only one and was told that I had to adopt both since they were close and they assured me that their shouldn't be any extra trouble having two kittens. After having the kittens for 6-8 weeks I realized that I would be unable to provide for them financially or give them the appropriate attention. I contacted the rescue group I adopted them from to return them and they said I would be unable to do that. I would have to go to several adoption events over several months and to get them adopted again and there was still no guarentee that they would be adopted. I expressed my inablility to take care of them let alone drive to events. I then took the kittens to a local shelter where I was informed that since I signed a docuament saying that I would be the sole owner of the cats that the rescue group could sue me. What are my options since I unable to afford the kittens or a legal process.