Being sued personally while in company truck

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I need some legal advice. This is the situation. I was in an accident almost 2 years ago, in a company truck, covered by company auto insurance. As far as I knew, they had settled everything and it was in the past. I had paid my "failure to yield" ticket, and thought it was done with...

Skip forward to today. A guy gives my mom a summons for ME (not sure how that falls under protocol but whatever). Apparently this jack *** is trying to sue me personally for over $60,000.... He's got $2,*** in "medical fee's, $5,*** in auto repair, and $50,000 in (get ready for this one) "Emotional pain and suffering" Also on the summons, one of the lines reads "Plaintiff has sustained diminished earning capacity and loss of enjoyment of life" LMAO.... ya wow.. Dude was perfectly fine and had very minor damage to his car last I saw. The cop had even made sure he was ok..

Anyways, on to the point... Can this "person" personally sue me for this crap? I should be double covered, I was driving a company vehicle with company auto insurance, and if that wasn't good enough, I am an insured driver myself... Please someone explain how this is possible and how I should fight it..
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