Being terminated due to non-existent resignation

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On Nov 4, I spoke to my immediate supervisor about a personal and confidential situation and mentioned that it would be nice to someday relocate out of state. I was honest about reaching out to internal and external recruiters to see what the job market was like both locally and out of state. On Dec 2 he called me into his office to let me know he felt obligated to go to HR and let them know my "intent" was to move out of state and that I was being terminated out of my current position and the job would be posted for a new hire. I let him know at that time that I in no way had resigned. Immediately following this talk, I received an email from my supervisor stating "this email will confirm our conversation on 1119/09, during which you advised me of your intention to resign your employment as a result of your relocation to the East Coast." I replied to him and cc'd HR "At the present time my intent is to stay with Citi. If there has been a misunderstanding, I take full reponsibility." Since Dec 3, when I spoke to HR about this, I have received no answer on whether I am able to stay in my position or it will be posted for new hire.

I feel this matter is in retaliation due to my making a harassment and ethics claim against him in the spring of 2009.

I would like to know if a corporation can terminate me from my position on purely an exploratory information gathering search of jobs outside of the immediate area.
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I would like to know if a corporation can terminate me from my position on purely an exploratory information gathering search of jobs outside of the immediate area.

Yes, they can.

However, you MAY have a claim, even if not the one you think you have. What kind of harassment did you complain of, and to whom did you make your complaint?
I would like to know if a corporation can terminate me from my position on purely an exploratory information gathering search of jobs outside of the immediate area.

Yes, they can.

However, you MAY have a claim, even if not the one you think you have. What kind of harassment did you complain of, and to whom did you make your complaint?

I complained to my HR department about my boss yelling at me in front of another employee. The other employee backed me up to HR and my boss was talked to. Then I went made an ethics claim about my boss scamming travel and expense reports and HR called me and told me they would not do anything and if I had another complaint, to go back to them and not make an ethics claim.
Sorry. That does not qualify as illegal harassment and does not give you a legal claim.
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