Burglary, Arson, Home Invasion Believe it or not-this is about my ex-husband

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Need advice from the wise, at least far more wise than I. Please consider this as a hypothetical situation as I would not want anyone to mistake this as having information to do with a crime. Someone I love has been charged with Burglary, Felony Thef and Felony damage to property. Has worked hard everyday, is 49 years old, first offense. Was fired from the job, lost a home, had no many to feed two children and a wife. He ran out of gas close to the previous employer and knew he could get some there. The four of them left the state. 4 months later, they separated. She left the state, called her ex-husband (who she had been sleeping with in the few months prior to this event), and made arrangements to give him the last of their 6 children together. She then gave him what may have been some of the items taken from this location where a burglary and theft occured and also the location where her current husband had been employed and was wrongfully terminated. After termination he then was denied unemployment benefits during an appeal process that the company lost even after two appeals. By this time he had lost his home and was in a desparate situation. At the scene, it appeared that a safe was missing, the company reports 6K+in cash (and the books on the cash-the only two things in the safe), however it is believed that the amount was more like $1,200-$1,500. Some tools, and there was damage to computers in the office, a dark substance had been poured on them. This evidence was provided by his wife to her ex-husband who waited until the detective called him about a month later to turn it in to the police. The investigation by the insurance company determined that this was a crime committed by someone who currently worked for the company. Although his wife's ex-husband worked for that company, he had not worked there in nine months. He had no access to this building. There are many other details, too many to list. Could someone please direct me to where to learn about these charges, what is the likely outcome if he turned himself in? What is the maximum penalty? Any other information or advice would be sincerly appreciated.
whew, it is not easy to follow your story, even if it is only a hypothetical. :)

Now, first of all, if you want to know specific law, you need to state what state this is in. I am really getting tired of typing this in every answer I give here. Every state has different laws, so without a state, there will be no specific answer.

What charges do you exactly want to know about? Burglary, felony theft and damage to property?

Once we know the state we can give you an idea what the minimum and maximum sentences would be. The actual sentence, however, always is being calculated by a complex formula that also considers prior record etc. And sometimes it depends on the mood of the judge.

Burglary usually is a felony, which means that there can be a maximum jail term of a couple of years. Felony theft usually means something of substantive value has been stolen, every state sets the limit differently, and also usually carries some years of prison, also dependent on the value. Damage to property, or however it is called, usually is only a misdemeanor, but as you say, it was charged as a felony, which points to a high value that was damaged. Same answer here for the sentencing range.

More can only be said if the state is known.
Thank you, the story is very long

My apologies, this is a first for me. The state is Kansas, the county Johnson. No previous offenses. Had worked for this company off and on for almost 30 years. His most recent position was that of management for about 7-8 years. This story has so many twists is is difficult to keep it short. I will gladly answer any question to get information. Company states cash in excess of 7K, evidence points to $600. Damage was to computer systems, they filed insurance claim over 10K. This is a small company. The person charged is 49 years old and this is a first offense. Are you saying that jail time is probable?
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