Bellagio Hotel Las Vegas - Missing Ring taken from Room

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New Member
I stayed at the Bellagio Las Vegas for New Year and during my stay a ring of great sentimental value started to cause a bad reaction to my skin.
I removed the ring and placed it is a glass of fluid to clean it. The Glass was not full and the ring was visable in it. It was also a chunky Men's ring so made a noise against the glass when moved.

The glass remained next to my bed in my room for three days with me checking it each evening.

On the third night the glass and ring dissapeared from next to my bed.

I have chased this with the Bellagio but they have now finally written to me claiming they deny all claims presented on the grounds of the State of Nevada's Innkeepers Statute.

Not knowing anything about the statute can someone please advise if I have case to persue this further? and the best next action for me to take.
No owner or keeper of any hotel, inn, motel, motor court, or boardinghouse or lodginghouse in this state shall be civilly liable after July 1, 1953, for the loss of any property left in the room of any guest of any such establishment by reason of theft, burglary, fire or otherwise, in the absence of Gross neglect upon the part of such keeper or owner.
Nev.Rev.Stat. § 651.010

I don't think you can show gross neglect. A reasonable person would have no reason to suspect that a piece of jewelery was inside of a glass of fluid.
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