Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Bench Warrant?

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New Member
I have a bench warrant in michigan for not showing up to court on a charge of probation violation. my car had got repoed two days before and i only could find one person to give me a ride, and he got called in to work early that day, so i couldnt make it. i planned to turn myself in that week but i never found a ride and i ended up spending all the money i had left on bills. i wanted to wait until i had the money to pay off my fine before turning myself in, but i never got the money. if i had gone to court that day my p.o. was going to recommend they terminate my probation and put me on a payment plan, what do you think theyll give me now if i turn myself in?

EDIT: i forgot to say this happened last december, how much worse will it be since ive ignored it this long?
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