Beneficiary not being kept informed by Trustees of Father's Trust


New Member
My father passed away 2/14/15, he had a valid will and a living Trust upon his death. Co-trustees, my sister and eldest brother are not communicating to me. How do I protect myself as a beneficiary of my dad's Trust? Do I have any legal rights to be informed by trustees on any aspect of the resolution and distribution of my dad's Trust? If I do have a legal right to be kept informed, what steps do I take to ensure that the trustees communicate with me? I have asked them to keep me informed of matters regarding the Trust and my inheritance with no success.
My father passed away 2/14/15, he had a valid will and a living Trust upon his death. Co-trustees, my sister and eldest brother are not communicating to me. How do I protect myself as a beneficiary of my dad's Trust? Do I have any legal rights to be informed by trustees on any aspect of the resolution and distribution of my dad's Trust? If I do have a legal right to be kept informed, what steps do I take to ensure that the trustees communicate with me? I have asked them to keep me informed of matters regarding the Trust and my inheritance with no success.

Yes, a beneficiary of a trust has the right to be kept informed about the trust.
A beneficiary should start by asking to be informed.
In many cases, beneficiaries are ignored.
If that happens, a beneficiary should retain an attorney and instruct his or her attorney to draft a letter and send it to the trustee(s) requesting information about the trust.
Be prepared, for that letter to be ignored.
If that happens, off to court you must go.
Your attorney will educate you about how that is done in your jurisdiction.
Additionally, ask your attorney about sanctions that can be imposed by the judge for flagrant violators.
Finally, be prepared, court action can be slow in coming to fruition, and is often expensive.
Good luck.

In the meantime, here is some reading material to get you up to speed BEFORE you have that conversation with YOUR attorney:

Advice to Trustees: Get Along With Beneficiaries |

Lawriter - ORC - 5808.13 Keeping beneficiaries informed - requests - required reports.

The Rights of Trust Beneficiaries

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