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Hello everyone. I'm wondering how this law works in Pennsylvania. The wife won't sign the divorce papers because she wants medical benefits. I understand I couldn't remove her from the benefits I had at the old job, but I'm wondering if I get a new job, if I do not have to add her to those?
I must add my son which is no problem, but I'm sick of the leech.
Thank you.
As long as there is no court order requiring you to provide her benefits, you are not under any obligation to do so.

If you change jobs, the law is not going to force you to cover her.

And if you do not change jobs, you can still drop her at the next open enrollment, even though you cannot do so right this minute.

BTW, this is the case in all 50 states, and presumes that you are talking about employer sponsored group health insurance.
Oh thank you cbg. I was speaking of employer health insurace yes. That is very interesting. I don't keep in contact with my lawyer because the wife flat out said No to signing the papers and there is no use wasting money because it's not going to happen... For the very reason that she wants benefits. So we'll be waiting the 2 years for no fault.
I just think it would be the icing on the cake to get my new job and have her find out that isn't going to happen.
Well, as I said, the law is not going to require that you put her on your insurance. Nothing in the law of any state makes it mandatory to include a spouse on your employer's insurance. You do have to follow court orders if there are any.

However, if you either drop her from the existing policy at open enrollment or quit the job where you currently have her covered, the law WILL require your employer to give her the option of remaining covered at her own expense (COBRA). She'll still have the benefits, but she'll have to pay for them herself; you won't be paying it (again, unless a court says so).
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