New Member
Ok where to start? I have been accused of 2 counts of DV. The thing is I know I am facing alot of time not only due to the fact that I have these charges, but being that I am on probation does not help. It all started when I came home only to be yelled at about where i have been,what were you doing,and who were you with the usual stuff with here anway. She starts getting even more absurd pushing and yelling. Now because I have been threw this with her before and have had simalar charges that were later dropped to disorderly I told my self to leave. So thats what I do I leave. Now sometime after I had left and the arguing had stopped the police were called. Now I know now what she kind of said but have not seen the police report. She told me that she told them that I yelled at her and pushed her down and then left. Now I know she lied and she knows she lied. The bad thing is I was charged with 2 counts of DV due to the fact that she is pregnant. I know I need to get a lawyer my other problem is she is willing to tell the judge that she lied because she was mad. Now weather or not that will halep i stilll feel that I'm screwed. THere are a few more dscrepencies that i have left out !
Any kind of advice will help if only to calm my nerves.