Between a rock and a hard place

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New Member

Ok where to start? I have been accused of 2 counts of DV. The thing is I know I am facing alot of time not only due to the fact that I have these charges, but being that I am on probation does not help. It all started when I came home only to be yelled at about where i have been,what were you doing,and who were you with the usual stuff with here anway. She starts getting even more absurd pushing and yelling. Now because I have been threw this with her before and have had simalar charges that were later dropped to disorderly I told my self to leave. So thats what I do I leave. Now sometime after I had left and the arguing had stopped the police were called. Now I know now what she kind of said but have not seen the police report. She told me that she told them that I yelled at her and pushed her down and then left. Now I know she lied and she knows she lied. The bad thing is I was charged with 2 counts of DV due to the fact that she is pregnant. I know I need to get a lawyer my other problem is she is willing to tell the judge that she lied because she was mad. Now weather or not that will halep i stilll feel that I'm screwed. THere are a few more dscrepencies that i have left out !
Any kind of advice will help if only to calm my nerves.
Don't speak to anyone but your lawyer.
Just because the police took the report does not mean that charges have been filed against you... has the DA actually filed the case? Were you arrested? DO you have a warrant?
If she has no injuries, did not go to the doctor, and there are no witnesses, then it shouldn't go too far. If you did push her down, that is really all it takes.... however it will be difficult for her to prove. Also, if she was pushing you then she is guilty of the same.
If she changes her statement then she may face charges of making a false report.
Yes, charges were filed. Yes,I'm positive there is a warrent.Do you think I will beable to bail out on these charges and if I have two counts of each and the bail schedule has the bail amount to be 1500 for one charge willit then become 3000 because of it being 2 charges? Really anything you know will help. Thankyou
You should immediately speak with a lawyer in your jurisdiction. :yes:
More than likely, that lawyer will be able to advise you as to the intricacies of your local bail schemes.
Do not delay, as you could be arrested before you seek the advice of an attorney (if it is as you advise, a warrant has issued).
You won't spend much time in custody when you take care of the warrant, and yes you will be able to post bail if you want to. It should only be $1500.
Whatver you do, just don't give any statements to the police about the incident without speaking to an attorney or having one present. They will try to get you to talk.
Let me chime in with Moose. DO NOT GIVE STATEMENTS TO THE POLICE WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY PRESENT. Be polite, tell them at most she is lying about the charges, I need an attorney before I talk to you. Do not worry that things will go worse for you, they will not. Trust US do not make a statement. There is precious little evidence against you here unless you open your mouth. Don't talk, DON'T TALK, DO NOT TALK. I hope you are getting this because the overwhelming urge is to talk when you are in trouble and it is the exact wrong thing to do.

Go get an attorney, tell him/her that there are charges out there. S/he will negotiate your surrender and bond before you are even arrested and all will go well.

Can I say it once more: DON'T TALK. :)
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