Biased executive

What can I do if a trustee is biased to the trusts family
While we do appreciate brevity, having at least some facts to work with would help.

In general, as long as the trustee follows the terms of the trust, they're golden.
What can I do if a trustee is biased to the trusts family

Sorry, but this question makes zero sense.

There's a trust and a trustee, but you don't appear to be the trustee, so what is your connection to the trust and the trustee?

What does "the trusts family" mean? Even if I assume you meant "trust's" a trust isn't a thing that can have a family.

What is the trustee doing that is causing you to conclude that he/she is "biased"?
What can I do if a trustee is biased to the trusts family

Are you a beneficiary of the trust receiving everything left to you by the trust's creator/benefactor?

If you are receiving all the moola due you, ignore the person overseeing the trust and enjoy the EXTRA loot.

What can I do if a trustee is biased to the trusts family

That depends on what the terms of the trust are, in which state the trust is settled, whether you are a beneficiary of the trust, and the exact details of what the trustee is doing. I do not suggest you post all that information on a public website. Besides the potential privacy concerns, there is also the problem that no one on a message board can give you specific legal advice.

I suggest that you consult a trust attorney that has no connection with the trust or trustee and have that attorney review the trust and the trustee's actions. The attorney will be in a much better position to spot any breaches of the trustee's duties to the trust or any other problems that may need to addressed and can tell you what options there are to fix them.

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