Big Problem>>>please Help!!!

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I just moved to an apartment complex two months ago and signed a year lease. It is a brand new community in a nice area of town. I moved here because my boyfriend will be getting out of prison in February and I wanted him to parole to a place where he could start over. About two weeks ago the parole officer came out for the home visit, and subsiquently told the leasing office that I was planning on having a parolee living here. They said he has to qualify on his own, and that he has to be on the lease. My question is this: What is the best way to deal with this? He doe4s not have another place to go, and I want the office to approve him. What are my rights to have him here, and what is the best way to explain this all to the leasing office? I am also worried about the application since he has no credit or financial backing since he has been in prison.
The first thing to do is to be sure that you really believe that this guy is worth the effort. Too many times I see good people with heavy consciences get involved with someone that should not be trusted. I'm not critizing you or him because I don't know either of you, but if you are jointly on the lease then you will be responsible for everything he may do, such as damage to the apartment by him or his guests/friends. The worse the offense the more likely I have found that other factors will cause big problems. It might not be a bad idea to help him and build a line of trust as well. Once people don't need you then you see their true colors.... unfortunate but true and I hope this works out for you. :)

I'm not sure there is much you can do. You need to look at your lease. It is likely limited to your living there. You do not have a right to place him on the lease. Your concerns are valid and it would seem that you would have to be a guarantor of some kind. That is a big responsibility. Placing him on the lease gives him rights too -- what if you split up and he gets a new girlfriend? I don't think you will want to deal with such issues but it is not uncommon. A year is a long time. Think about this before going forward with it. Additionally, if you do, you should have some written arrangement regarding your living situation -- formality should be a requirement in this situation. You need to protect yourself and would want to keep your understanding with him on the level at all times with no ambiguity later. Good luck!
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