big trouble

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I am 17 and pregnant. I got into a verbal arguement with my fiance's Mother and now she forbids me to see or talk with him. He is 16 turning 17 this month. She is not aware that I am pregnant. She says that if my fiance and I are together that she will move him to Maine. As far as I know he is old enough to say no I don't want to move. Am I right in that? Also, I was told to try to have myself, her and someone to mediate so, we can talk things out. IS this legally possible? My fiance and I want to be together, but I don't want him to have to move to Maine so, we have broken everything off. I don't know what to do and I am sorry for arguing with her. I want to ammend things. My life and my fiance's is really bad because of her attitude. I have his child on the way and i am really scared that I will have to do this on my own. any help/advice would be appreciated.
I have some money, but I will definatly need my mom to help me. Which is unfair to her in many ways.
Unfortunately, it is the way things go -- before you engage in adult activities, you need to accept the potential consequences. Keeping a child at such a young age could prove to be a bigger burden than you realize, both as a matter of time and money.
Find Alternate Methods to "The System" at All Costs!

Having read your post, I too am reminded that I myself was once young and Married a week after my 17th Birthday. My Ex-Wife and I were parents of 2 beautiful children before we were 18 years old. It was rough back then, but nothing like it is now, with all the new "Best Interest of the Child" laws.

Whatever you have to do, (within the law of course), that doesnt ever put your baby at risk of coming into contact with any State Agencies who have access to court orders, judges, or claim to Act in the best interest of the child, is what you have to do to survive.

I strongly urge you to step up to the plate and protect your child, with or without the father involved, as the bond between Mother and Child is one that is Protected under the Constitution of the United States of America Itself. Get your moms help, and remember She Loves you like youre going to Love your own baby. Keep a record book of whatever she does for you so you can repay her one day, (Also you may one day need it to protect yourself and your child from being legally seperated by the courts). Work, play, and love your child with all that you have to give as a mother and a woman, believe me, it will all change once you hold that tiny baby in your arms for the very first time.

Also I caution you now and well in advance, avoid "The System" and all it's entrapments and snares, as they will be used against you in a court of law one day if you do not. Avoid those who preach "The Best Interest of the Child" at all costs, because there is Big Money in the United States today in the Removal of Children, and termination of the Mothers Rights, (Meaning you are less than a stranger, they are protected from you), and Adopting out these children to other "Types" of families, and by types I mean families who could never naturally have children together.

I wish you the very best in this life and may you and yours be ever happy and together.
I have no legal advice for you, but I do have some 'motherly' advice for you:

You said:

QUOTE]Also, I was told to try to have myself, her and someone to mediate so, we can talk things out. IS this legally possible?[/QUOTE]

I don't think that there is a legal mediation for your situation, but there most certainly is a Mental Health mediation for your situation. I, as a parent of 5 children, offer for consideration that:
1. You contact a psychologist at your local Mental Health Office, explain the issue with them, and ask that they set several appointments for you, then forthe three of you (you, your boyfriend, and his mother). There, the three of you can discuss the situation in a controlled environment.

2. You ask your Mother to contact your boyfriend's Mother in order to discuss the situation at hand.

The situation isn't 'fair' for any of you. If your boyfriend's Mother doesn't know that you are pregnant, I am sure she feels that she is doing the 'best thing' for her son. She needs to know the 'whole' truth to make good judgement calls.

Good Luck.
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