biofather agreed to term of Parental Rirghts/adoption and now wants money!blackmail?

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My exhusband/biological father of my children has agreed in a court ordered mediation that he would sign over his parental rights and allow my husband( the only father the children want in their life) to adopt the children and I wouldn't come after him for back unpaid medical bills he still owes me since the divorce ranging in the 4-6K range. Now inorder for him to sign the papers he is now asking that I pay him back the childsupport he has been paying since the mediation agreement was made and sign a paper stating I would allow him to claim one of the children on his 2010 taxes which he would have no legal right to do since they have not visited,stayed over night,lived with him in the last 3 years. I am wondering if this would constitute as blackmail or extortion on his part and what can I do about it?
No, it isn't extortion or blackmail. It's negotiation. I see it as the attempt of a deadbeat sub-primate to avoid responsibility for lives he helped create. Just tell him no way. Besides, if he hasn't contributed to 51% of the support of the child, he can't legally claim the child on his taxes anyway.

If I were you, I wouldn't go through with the adoption. I'd force the deadbeat bum to pay child support. If he didn't, I'd have the judge issue an arrest warrant for his useless carcASS. I'd also go after him for that $4,000 odd dollars he owes you for healthcare.

When you start to treat this bum like the dirtbag he is, I'll bet he'll play ball. He'll sign the papers to avoid honoring his paternal responsibilities!!!
The problem with that is he has DHS child abuse reports against him from my children, he is also into drugs now and the best thing is to get him out of their lives for good, but even if I agreed to what he is asking he has no legal leg to stand on especially taxes I would be incriminating myself with the IRS if I signed the form for him to claim one of them because it would be a lie. It states in the term/adopt papers that no one has given him any money,gifts or promised money or gifts in exchange for his consent, so if I went along with that I would be breaking the law aswell so isn't that basically blackmail
I filled a mod of visitations/childsupport got evil and filed for him to pay half of everything under the sun (camps,instruments for band,cars,insurance,educational trips,classes ect), him to pay for supervised visitations @ 15.00/hr I night a week and 4hrs every other weekend days , we claim kids on taxes, raise the childsupport amount by 1/3,half of med bills,him to pay half of college tuition,room and board ect, and then he decided to play ball a little now he is testing the limits, I told him NO on what he is asking but really hoped he would do the right thing for once and go away, BUT if their is any way I can have his loser fanny throwed in jail I will take full advantage of it.
and BTW he is 41 years old and lives with his parents lol and they are paying all his Atty fee's and all he pays is a car payment,cell bill, insurance (only because his vehicle is in his mothers name or else he prolly wouldn't pay that either) His pay check goes into is mommy's account and she pays his bills for him and gives him an envelope with what is left over and itemized pay summary on the front of the envelope so he knows where his money goes...
Just play hardball with the deadbeat. In the future, don't speak directly to him. Have your attorney tell his attorney for him to have no contact directly with you. If the loser needs to communicate something to you, have him instruct his attorney to tell your attorney. That way he knows you're playing hardball. Change your number and don't give it to this bum. Do not under any circumstances communicate directly to him any longer. Direct your communications to him through your attorney.
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