Biological Exposure

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I work in a nationally known corporate owned pizza chain and was exposed to biological fluids from my manager. Now 13 days later I am still sick as other numerous other employees.

The problem began on Thurs Oct 13 when my manager was so sick he went to the hospital. Friday he was at work coughing and sneezing anywhere and everywhere. He did not use anything, not even his hand to cover his nose and mouth. Whatever was in front of him was sprayed each time he sneezed. The phones, touch screen ordering system, pizza boxes, ect. He was also making pizzas!

The manager was at work again on Saturday doing the same. On Sunday he was sneezing so often and violently his nose continually bled yet he continued to sneeze all over everything. To this day the manager is still sick and still working.

A co-worker said one of the drivers had given the illness to the manager. The driver said the manager told her to not answer phones so the manger knew the illness could be spread.

I worked when the driver worked and never even noticed that she was sick. I think the manager got his illness from a rat that was caught in a sticky trap as he was seriously ill just after the rat was caught. He said the rat had tried so hard to get off of the sticky stuff that it ripped it's skin and the guts were hanging out. The manager obviously handled the trap when he disposed of the rat that was still alive.

Are there any legal remidies for myself and the other employees and customers who were exposed and got very ill? Is it possible that we were exposed to Tuberculosis?

Any help or advice is appreciated!
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