Bio's Parental rights terminated Adoption started can she reverse the termination?

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My sons biological mothers parental rights were terminated by the courts this past May. Things seemed to be great and I (step mom) have filed for adoption. Now the biological mother is saying that shes gunna get papers and take my son from us. We havent done anything wrong and we have followed all the rules when dealing with the courts. The termination was granted on abandonment and her havin never paid the court ordered child support. Can she legally reverse the termination after all this time and with the adoption started? Please help. This has me extremely worried. Thank you for any help
She can't terminate anything, only the courts can. She can go back to court and try to get her parental rights back but she will most likley lose. You should contact your attorney about this matter. She can legally try to get her rights back but that does not mean she will get them. Good luck.
Blue's advice is spot on.
All I can add is to STOP all contact and communication with this 'person'.

Change your number, don't read her letters or emails.

Bottom line, don't waste your time with this creature and by all means keep this freak away from YOUR precious child!
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