Personal Bankruptcy bk after being abroad

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New Member
In advance thank to everybody, who is going to take time to help me .

Hello to All !

I am in situation which is definitely way over my head , and I need guidance and help very , very much .

I am 60 years old woman , after two divorces, and practically homeless, in not very good health ,
deeply heart broken as well, but this is another story .

Huge CC debt , long stories, ensuring everyone , no any fun out of this money, all went for lawyers fees .

I stopped to pay one year and a half ago .

I do not have any possessions , my income is 1700 a month , alimony .
Due to serious problems with my health I spent 2 years in Mexico,
I got some efficient help, but all my modest savings are gone, and I own
money to private parties, which I absolutely will pay off, what I am doing,
but I am more and more poor, to extrema already .

I am American citizen, for many decades, but my origin is from Europe .

Not long ago, I received the news from my sister, that we are entitled
to some heritage ( my mother died 2 years ago, at beautiful age of 90) .

Expected money, are in 20-30k range .

For me absolutely life saver .

I want to go back and do bankruptcy , so if I would get this money, creditors do not take it from me , and besides having this money, I am hopping to be able to restore
my life a little bit, for this I need bancruptcy .


Please tell me what and how to do .

I live practically full time in motor home, sometimes, here in Mexico , I rent something .

Before I left States , I was living in trailer park, in nice park model trailer, but I sold it and bought motor home , it is not on my name .

Now to rent anything for me , is absolutely out of range, and no existing credit would not allow me anyway .

The only solution, the most likely is camping . ( I have two dogs) .

Can I do bankruptcy living on the camping ?

Does is matter what state I am going to be ?

Do I need to go to California, where I had my CC and lived for long time ?

How am I going to declare and proof my living expenses ?

Am I at all going to qualify for chapter 7, with "huge" income of 1700,

if I will live in motor home on camping, let say 600 a month "rent" ?

What would you do in my situation ?

In addition I am very afraid of lawyers, because , well...,
because I have excellent reasons to be .

Any advice so very welcome , appreciated and so much needed .


Thank you very much for all responds .

At the present I am still in Mexico .

It is probably long time, like one year or two,

before heritage is going to be distributed, and besides

I can for time of my choice , keep it with my sister, in Europe .

But finally, I would like to feel free to bring money to

U.S. and use it .

What above , it is the only reason I consider bankruptcy at all .

When I stopped to pay CC, my debt was about 60 k ,

I stopped to pay in June 2009 , I can imagine debt is much more now,

due to interest, late fees , etc .


First of all, if all you're going to receive as an inheritance is $30,000; DON'T bring a dime of it into the US.

That is only enough money for the taxman to steal from you.

In the US $30,000 is NOT a great deal of money.

But, if you take the $30,000 to mexico, you can retire in some level of comfort.

Do NOT fret or worry over this BK.

If you stay in Mexico (or somewhere in Europe), that $30,000 can go much further.

Don't file a BK, stay away from the US (the US is broke anyway), and live in style and comfort in Mexico or somewhere in Europe.

Good luck!
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