Black listing

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In march of 2003 I was given the choice of taking a $5 dollar pay cut or a severence package from my employer. I took the package and left. In march of this year I was given the opportunity to start my own business doing the samething as my previous job. The opportunity came from one of the customers from my previous job. I took it and now have my own business. I now understand from a reliable source that the employees have been threatend to be fired if they come to work with me or help me in anyway. If they quit to come to work for me they have been told they can never go back. They are also telling the employees that I'm stealing their customers. Is this legal? Can I do anything about it?
Originally posted by teresa8
In march of 2003 I was given the choice of taking a $5 dollar pay cut or a severence package from my employer. I took the package and left. In march of this year I was given the opportunity to start my own business doing the samething as my previous job. The opportunity came from one of the customers from my previous job. I took it and now have my own business. I now understand from a reliable source that the employees have been threatend to be fired if they come to work with me or help me in anyway. If they quit to come to work for me they have been told they can never go back. They are also telling the employees that I'm stealing their customers. Is this legal? Can I do anything about it?

I'm not sure this is in the right place, but perhaps it is as you are trying to start your own business. If you are competing with your former employer, I'm not sure you are being blacklisted if your former employer and other competitors state that they won't allow their employees to work with you simultaneously. Wouldn't you think that there might be a legitimate business interest in the business owners not wanting to lose current or potential clients to you with their own employees to boot?
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