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Can a former employer contact a new employer and provide vague information to them? (No-cause, simply made a request because of the following)

I am a marketer in healthcare and was working internally with Administration at a hospital, when several possible concerns where reported internally but ignored, and then reported externally. (Whistlblowing).

After resolving an earlier case of discrimination with a former director I reported to, I believe the company found him liable in other areas and he was forced to resign. I was then assigned to a Hospital Admin, who after discovering the concerns in the department voluntarily resigned out of the company.

I was then assigned to the Hospital Admin who had initially condoned the behaviors of my original director and that was when I concluded that they were not going to address or investigate the concerns brought to their intentions, but had decided to take a different approach (get rid of me). I then reported the concerns to external sources and that was when I was reassigned again.

However, this admin, (the only female admin) refused to and re-assigned me yet again, but this time, not to a C-level manager but a line manager, who had just been hired (temporarily) as a 1st time manager who's predecessors had always been my colleague (same tenure/stature).

This manager happened to be the same color, so liability of a race discrimination case was eliminated. This manager never supervised me; she handled me (better tem).

I believe the goal was for her to work on establishing non-compliance to policy paper trail, before she took her leave. Unfortunately, because of my background in HR, I was able to stay one step ahead of her, and as her attempts failed one by one (even as she was being coached by HR).

I realized that the closer it got to the end of the month, (which is when I had overheard was when she was scheduled) things got worse.

Despite making it very difficult, for them to establish their cause for termination (I was the top performer of coordinators since hired, well liked and respected by colleagues, customers and Physicians, which they hated) they continued to make the environment unbearable.

When the new manager deliberately, began to sabotage my work, I then deiced to report her internally; despite HR coaching her on what to do (she was unskilled and would blunder all the time).

When HR realized that she was unable to successfully establish a paper trail to terminate, they simply used the incidents (minus the proof that all was unfounded-Tangible verification) and on the day in which I was initially targeted to be terminated (30-days) HR called me in to their office and terminated me. After requesting what happen to the verification, they ignored me and simply said "it's just not working out".

Can the same employer prohibit a former employee (despite DOL - concluded was for no-cause), and ban me from a public facility?

After being terminated for whistblowing and enduring months if retaliation and harassment, my former employer contacted several cites (New employer has several locations) to provide information to cause suspicion, they then followed it up with a letter to my employer, indicating the same: No actual reason, simply requested that I be reassigned, and that I was banned from their facility.

PRIOR TO THAT: they had security (contracted company) harass me; until security found out who I was, and then refused to participate (The head of security knew me professionally from working within the facility).

As I met with the head of security, and informed him of my non-soliciting reason, he then insisted I come to his office whenever I come into the building for he would grant me the okay to do so. He also concluded that it was personal and could make his unit liable for harassing/discriminating).

When the head of security informed the Administrator(s) that he could not participate in the activity 10/3/07, they decided to contact locate the name of my new employer, through third party information (a customer account) and then called several of our locations to inform them that I was banned from their hospital, which no other terminated employee (regardless of reason) has ever had happen.

I also lost the customer account that I use to service when I worked with my former employer. (Was not a conflict of interest for it was a different level of service industry)

My new employer and provide them as well as a new customer account we had and that I lost.

Despite attempts to why such harsh treatment was taken, requested by my new boss, my former employer gave no reason and has gone so far as to put their request in writing as my boss just informed of. (Tangible evidence of blackballing).

Note: My doctor is located there, and is not agreement, nor are the staff and colleagues still employed. There are even managers who have voiced their non approval.

Any advice would help, because I remained in the environment for so long, the incidents are many, and as I try to focus on the most important, there are several Title IV violations which have occurred. Resulting in the facility finally granting my request to implement a diversity training program.

Too little too late...
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