blackmail and defamation

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I recieved an email from an extranged half-brother of mine, whom I have not seen or heard from in quite some time. Over 3 years. He seems convinced that I have maligned him in the past and demanded an apology via email to the whole family or else he would tell the entire family that I sodomized my younger sister, which is absolutely false. I contacted him and during the conversation he threatened to have me killed, which he later admitted to the police.
About 24 hours later he sent an email to everyone again including me with this disgusting allegation. His lawyer has sent me one of those $100 letters demanding I cease and desist
I have started filling out paperwork for a restraining order but I would like to know what my other options are.
Every lawyer I talk to about taking my case balks when they hear we are related. Why is that? And could I prove and seek damages for blackmail and defamation?

What is your sister saying about the whole thing? Do you have those emails saved? If your sister will testify that it is all wrong you have a pretty good case for defamation.

Extortion (blackmail) is a criminal charge, depending on the reading of the state law he also could be charged with making threats. You can bring that case to the police.

If anyone really will take that case and prosecute might also depend on the question, if anyone out there was likely to believe him. If all the rest of your family knew that he is nuts anyway and wouldn't believe him, people might think it isn't really important to go after him, though technically you do not have to prove damages. All you need is to prove that he knew or should have known that those allegations are wrong.
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