Blog too similar to already existing blog...?

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New Member
hi there.
If anyone could help me with this it would be amazing.
If I want to start a blog named, for example:
but there is already a blog named is this a copyright issue?
Do I need to register as a business?
I dont want to put lots of work into my blog to have something force me to take it down because it is too similar to theirs in name.
Please help!
Best, A
- No this is not a copyright issue. If it was an issue, it would be a trademark issue.

- You probably have no problem and don't think the name could be trademarked easily as its completely descriptive of what you do. The only danger is that people might confuse each of your sites. Both are .com names and are not geographic based.
- No this is not a copyright issue. If it was an issue, it would be a trademark issue.

- You probably have no problem and don't think the name could be trademarked easily as its completely descriptive of what you do. The only danger is that people might confuse each of your sites. Both are .com names and are not geographic based.

I certainly agree. I suggest you revise the name of your domain.
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