Body Shop Liability

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New Member
Lakewood, WA

I posted in another thread about an issue that my brother has been facing with his insurance company and getting them to pay out for a hit and run that totaled his car a few months ago.
The plot thickens. He came home on leave over the holidays. When he got back to Ft. Lewis and went to check on his car (being held at a local body shop) someone had broken into the car by stabbing two giant holes in the convertible top, and stole everything in the car, including the performance cold air intake that was actually installed on the vehicle.
The body shop is claiming they are completely not liable for the theft. They have cameras that over look the parking lot that his car was in but refuse to show him the tapes. Fishy!?
So basically, the car won't be released to him because of the insurance, the shop isn't taking responsibility, and he is out hundreds of dollars in personal property? Who is liable?

No comments? Hmm...
I guess the question that I have is this; if the body shop charges a storage fee and will not let you take your vechicle to a more secure place until you can afford to pay said fee, are they not liable for the security of your vehicle while it is in their care? After all, isn't that what you are paying them for?
Additionally, are they not responsible for reporting a crime that took place on their property? To my knowledge they didn't contact the police about this.

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