Arraignment, Bail, Bonds, Pretrial Bond related question

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My question is in regard to bond. I was recently arrested on 3 misdemeanor one charges. I am currently out on bond.
My fiancee is currently living in another country and is about to have my child. She is staying in her country to have the baby because the health care is less expensive. After that she will be moving here to the U.S. I have a ticket already bought to fly to be there for the birth. Am I allowed to do that?
Is it possible for my attorney to have this case continued until after my return? I have a return flight and that can be proved with my ticket. But I had planned on staying out of the country for 3 months.
The reason I am asking on here, rather then directly to my attorney is because this has all just recently happened, and I don't have an attorney yet. Just a public defender that I have no intentions on keeping.
I never received any paperwork when I was bonded out that stated any rules to follow. Just my original bond papers when I went to court that stated what my bond was.
Any advice/feedback will be much appreciated
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